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c4viz: C4 Visualization

This is an open source visualization for the C4 model for visualising software architecture. It expects input in the form of a workspace.dsl from the Structurizr project, e.g. like this big bank example.

It allows you to view workspace.dsl files but does not provide the ability to directly edit the .dsl files. However, if you edit and save the .dsl source file and then hit refresh in the browser, it will render the updated .dsl file, so you can use that workflow to edit .dsl files.

Getting Started

Demo Server

You can see this running on my demo server. Be nice to it, it is a tiny cheap server. There are no guarantees that it will stick around, do don't rely on it being online forever, but host your own server if you need it.

Run as docker container

The easiest is to run this from a docker container:

docker-compose up


docker run \
    --rm -it \
    -v $PWD/sourceDir:/sourceDir \
    -p 9000:9000 \
    -e SERVER_PORT=9000 \
    -e C4VIZ_SOURCE=big-bank-plc.dsl \
    -e C4VIZ_SOURCE_DIR=/sourceDir \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \

You'll need a big-bank-plc.dsl file in the ./sourceDir or modify C4VIZ_SOURCE (and perhaps C4VIZ_SOURCE_DIR) to point to your workspace.dsl file. After all, if you don't have your own .dsl file, you probably don't need this project...

Now access http://localhost:9000, and you're good to go!

If you want rendering of the original image to survive restarts of the image, mount the cache as a volume with -v c4cache:/var/cache/c4viz (or as a a local directory).

The above docker command mounts a local directory, which is useful for local development and for editing of .dsl files. You can also build your own docker image directly containing your .dsl file(s) so it is self-contained.

The pmorch/c4viz is this docker hub image. In the above example, it uses the :latest tag but you might want to pick a fixed version.

Run from command line

You'll need these installed:

  • java 11+
  • node 10+
  • task


task serve-backend

This will build and start the backend with an embedded frontend.

Again, access http://localhost:9000, and you're good to go!

Using a ?source=$url Query Parameter

If you specify a source query parameter, you can render other .dsl documents too.

source as a file name

If you put multiple .dsl files in your C4VIZ_SOURCE_DIR folder, you can render other files in that folder using: http://localhost:9000?source=otherfile.dsl . For security reasons, the filename must be in that folder and may not contain e.g. the / character.

source as a URL

In addition to the sources as files in the C4VIZ_SOURCE directory, you can also specify URLs like: http://localhost:9000?source=

NOTE: This only works for self-contained .dsl-s. Some, e.g. test.dsl expects logo.png to exist in the same directory, and so the using that as a source will yield an error like this: logo.png does not exist at line 182: icon logo.png. Patches to overcome this are welcome, but are not a priority for me.

Environment Variables

You can set these environment variables:

Environment Variable Default Value
C4VIZ_SOURCE_DIR Cmdline: none, Docker image: /sourceDir
C4VIZ_CACHE Cmdline: /tmp, Task: /tmp/c4vizCache Docker image: /var/cache/c4viz

The web server is only started and the C4VIZ_* environment varibles only come into play if SERVER_PORT is set.

Without a value for SERVER_PORT, both the docker image and the command line jar file will convert a .dsl file into values useful for the frontend as in:

$ task build-backend
$ mkdir output
$ java -jar backend/build/libs/c4viz-${version}.jar ./sourceDir/big-bank-plc.dsl output
$ ls -l output
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter 162880 Dec 19 12:16 c4.viz.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter   4172 Dec 19 12:16 Components.puml
-rw-r--r-- 1 peter peter  25077 Dec 19 12:16 Components.svg

Structure of this project

There is a separate Spring Boot backend (in ./backend) and a Vue frontend (in ./frontend/).

During the build process, the frontend is built and copied into backend/build/resources/main/static.

So when run, http://localhost:9090/index.html (or just http://localhost:9090) is the frontend where everything else is the backend.

All the magical incantations to do various development tasks are visible in Taskfile.yaml, to be used with task.

Frontend Development Setup

The process of ./gradlew build for every frontend change is tedious, so there is another option.

./frontend/vue.config.js is configured to proxy the backend calls to http://localhost:9000.

So to develop the frontend, first start the spring backend on port 9000, then start the frontend. Now accessing http://localhost:3000 will access the Vue development server, but any backend requests will be proxied to spring boot. So:

Terminal 1 for the backend:

# Either using task
task serve-backend

# Or by hand
cd backend
./gradlew build
SERVER_PORT=9000 java -jar build/libs/c4viz-$VERSION.jar

Terminal 2 for the frontend:

# Either using task
task serve-frontend

# Or by hand
cd frontend
npm run serve -- --port 3000


  • Java 44.7%
  • ASL 23.5%
  • Vue 20.3%
  • HTML 7.1%
  • JavaScript 3.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.3%