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Releases: GrapheneOS/Apps


21 Jan 05:24
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Notable changes in version 13:

  • add workaround for Android bug breaking app initialization in a rare edge case
  • update Android Gradle plugin to 7.4.0
  • update AndroidX appcompat library to 1.6.0
  • update lint configuration
  • add Gradle verification metadata to Git repository

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 12) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.


08 Jan 01:33
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Notable changes in version 12:

  • add missing class loader override to avoid a rare edge case crash
  • remove unnecessary fallback code for unsupported OS versions below Android 12
  • remove unused resources

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 11) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.


03 Jan 07:54
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Notable changes in version 11:

  • fix "Always allow noCode updates" toggle
  • clarify summary of the "Always allow noCode updates" toggle
  • remove link to "App info" settings screen from the menu (already linked from one of the action buttons when it's relevant)

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 10) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.


01 Jan 21:50
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Notable changes in version 10:

  • handle installer sessions created by pre-v8 Apps to avoid it crashing while they're still pending
  • disable tracking of multi-package installer sessions across app launches since they can get stuck and never complete
  • improve single package "Updates available" notification text
  • improve cosmetic issue with how update screen handles updates started outside it
  • ignore unneeded ABI APK splits during repo parsing to save time/memory
  • update AndroidX Fragment KTX library to 1.5.5

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 9) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.


30 Dec 00:56
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Notable changes in version 9:

  • improve support for acting as a first party system app source on Android 12.1 in order to allow shipping Apps version 8 and later for legacy devices

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 8) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.


25 Dec 14:09
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Notable changes in version 8:

  • almost entirely rewritten backend and frontend code providing substantially better robustness and features
  • atomic multi-package installation support used to install a package and all dependencies together in one atomic package manager operation in order to avoid incomplete updates where dependencies have been updated beyond what's supported, especially since the overall package installation could fail and leave things in a broken state
  • full split package (split APK) support able to install only the required language, density and ABI splits
  • substantially restructured/reorganized user interface
  • substantially improved error reporting in the user interface
  • fully parallelized package downloads, decompression, verification and installation
  • package downloads can now be cancelled by the user
  • background jobs now respect dynamic network changes, such as the network type changing while the job is running to one that no longer matches the required type configured by the user
  • remove support for directly uninstalling apps and instead always use the request uninstall dialog provided by the OS
  • hide option to uninstall updates for system apps when no updated package is installed
  • always show standard package installation prompt to allow users to cancel installation and to toggle the Network permission at install time on GrapheneOS (Apps configures the PackageInstaller UI to still consider this a first party app installation when Apps is a first party app store despite not using the unattended install packages API)
  • build with API 33 SDK
  • raise target API level to 33
  • add Android 13 themed icon support
  • only include resources for supported languages to avoid partial translations
  • disable shrinking / obfuscating non-library code for simpler bug reporting mainly due to the major rewrite and minor (~1%) size increase (all code optimizations are still performed)
  • update Android build tools to 33.0.1
  • update AndroidX Kotlin core library to 1.9.0
  • update AndroidX appcompat library to 1.5.1
  • update AndroidX activity library to 1.6.1
  • update Android fragment library to 1.5.4
  • update AndroidX navigation libraries to 2.5.3
  • update Material UI library to 1.7.0
  • update Bouncy Castle library to 1.72
  • update Kotlin coroutine libraries to 1.6.4
  • update Android lifecycle libraries to 2.5.1

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 7) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.

Note: this major rewrite of Apps is not ready for GrapheneOS users on legacy 3rd generation Pixels and is only being provided as an over-the-air update for users on GrapheneOS with API 33+ (Android 13+). Support for legacy 3rd generation Pixels will be added later. Installing it on 3rd generation Pixels will make the Google Play mirrors in the app repository unavailable until Apps is downgraded to version 7.


28 May 06:31
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Notable changes in version 7:

  • remove extra space from app update notification
  • replace notification action button with content intent
  • mark launcher activity as single instance to prevent creating multiple instances
  • update Dagger to 2.42
  • update Android gradle plugin to 7.2.1
  • update Material library to 1.6.0
  • update AndroidX Navigation libraries to 2.4.2
  • update AndroidX constraint layout library to 2.1.4

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 6) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently only provides our standalone apps and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to use sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.


25 Apr 09:14
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Notable changes in version 6:

  • implement open action for system apps with an app id renamed with original-package
  • register the persistent auto-update job on boot so it works before users launch the app once
  • fix job scheduling implementation to avoid it retrying as if it failed when it succeeded
  • improve code quality and robustness
  • minor user interface improvements
  • update Kotlin Gradle plugin to 1.6.21
  • update Kotlin standard library to 1.6.21
  • update Kotlin coroutines core / Android to 1.6.1
  • update Gradle to 7.4.2
  • update Android gradle plugin to 7.1.3
  • update Android Navigation Safe Args to 2.4.2

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 5) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.


18 Mar 09:33
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Full list of changes from the previous release (version 4). Notable changes:

  • update target API level to 32 (Android 12.1)
  • permit installing apps when the app repository client is a known source and installing from unknown sources is disabled via device policy management
  • enforce device policy management uninstall disallow policy
  • add filter options
  • add search bar and search screen
  • replace reinstall with open if newer version is installed
  • theme and general UX improvements
  • fix multiple edge case crashes and minor bugs
  • add timestamps to most notifications
  • add support for detecting / updating apps renamed using original-package such as the GrapheneOS PDF Viewer


28 Feb 17:18
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Initial tagged release of the GrapheneOS app repository client. This app is currently in a very early stage of development and many basic features are not yet available or completed.