This repository contains the Docker Compose configuration for a multi-service build several custom Docker images and run RaspberryPi OS as a QEMU VM inside docker container. You may access running container via SSH to localhost on port 2222.
Host with docker and docker compose installed (possible to run under Docker Desktop in windows) to build and run containts. SSH client to get inside emulated rpi.
Default Credentials: admin:admin
The default port 2222 on localhost to access VM.
Getting started is as simple as cloning this repository on your machine. You can do so with:
git clone
After cloning the repository, you can move to the next step and start configuration. All the necessary files are located in the rpi3 directory, so don't forget to change the directory:
cd rpi3
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the rpi3/ file.
Unfortunately, all my attempts to start the VM with an image converted to qcow2 have failed. The VM fails to start after the filesystem grows to the full size of the SD image. If you have insights or solutions to this issue, please feel free to contribute or share your findings.