This is an implementation of java.util.Map and java.util.SortedMap on top of LevelDB. Everything stored in these maps will be persistent and saved to disk in a LevelDB database.
Both the java.util.Map and java.util.SortedMap interface are implemented. We pass both the MapInterfaceTest and SortedMapInterface tests from Guava. Please report an issue if you encounter any problems.
Create a Map with Strings as keys and values backed by LevelDB:
StoredMap<String, String> map = LevelDBMapFactory.createMap(new File("/path/to/directory"), new StringBinding());
map.put("key", "value");
map.put("key2", "value2");
// Print "value"
// Close the database
// Reopen the database from disk
map = LevelDBMapFactory.createMap(new File("/path/to/directory"), new StringBinding()))
// Print "value2"
// Close the database again
Note that you have to call close on the map explicitly since its LevelDB database needs to be closed.
The StoredMap is an implementation of java.util.Map and can be used as such:
Map<String, String> readOnly = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
It is possible to use any serializable object as a value:
StoredMap<String, Integer> map = LevelDBMapFactory.createMap(new File("/path/to/directory"), new ObjectSerializableBinding<Integer>());
map.put("key", 10);
map.put("key2", new Integer(5));
int count = 0;
for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet())
count += entry.getValue();
// Print 15
try(StoredMap<String, POJO> pojoMap = LevelDBMapFactory.createMap(
new File("/path/to/directory"), new ObjectSerializableBinding<POJO>()))
pojoMap.put("key", new POJO());
Serializable objects can also be used as keys:
StoredMap<Student, Grade> grades = LevelDBMapFactory.createMap(new File("/path/to/directory"),
new ObjectSerializableBinding<Student>(), new ObjectSerializableBinding<Grade>());
grades.put(john, Grade.A);
grades.put(sam, Grade.C);
The SortedMap interface is also supported through a set of factory methods:
// Create a SortedMap using Strings as Comparable keys
StoredSortedMap<String, String> dict = LevelDBMapFactory.createSortedMap(new File("/path/to/directory"), new StringBinding());
dict.put("zwaaien", "to wave");
dict.put("boek", "book");
// Print "boek" and then "zwaaien"
for(String key : dict.keySet())
It is possible to supply a java.util.Comparator:
StoredSortedMap<String, String> reverseSortedMap = LevelDBMapFactory.createSortedMap(new File("/path/to/directory"),
new StringBinding(), new StringBinding(), new Comparator<String>()
public int compare(String string1, String string2)
return string2.compareTo(string1);
reverseSortedMap.put("Amsterdam", "Europe");
reverseSortedMap.put("Washington", "North America");
reverseSortedMap.put("Tokyo", "Asia");
// Print "Washington", "Tokyo" and finally "Amsterdam"
for(String key : reverseSortedMap.keySet())
An open instance of a LevelDB object can also be used to create a Map:
Options options = new Options();
DB db = File("/path/to/directory"), options);
db.put(new String("key").getBytes(), new String("value").getBytes());
EntryBinding<String> stringBinding = new StringBinding();
Map<String, String> map = LevelDBMapFactory.createMapForDB(db, stringBinding, stringBinding);
// Print "value"