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Live site:

Features I used in this project:

  • Home Page: In home page you'll see the banner in top. after that you can see some brand logo, then you can see Categories section from this section if you select/click in any category you'll go to a new page and see all product under the selected categories. In all categories card you'll see BOOK NOW button if you click on it. you can see a modal with some information. fill-up the form and click on the submit button you can book your product. Then you can see the all booked product form Dashboard.

  • Blog Page:

    In this page you'll see some blogs with answer.

  • Dashboard:

    In this page you can see some difference between.

    Like you're a seller you can see some option like: Add A Product, My Products, My Buyers. In Add a product route you can add a product with give all the informations. In My Products route you can see your all added products, also you can delete any product to click on the delete button.

    Like if you're a buyer you can see My Orders route. In this route you can see you're all orders from here.

    Like if you're a Admin you can see All Sellers, All Buyers, Reported Items routes.

    In All Sellers route Admin can see all the seller logedin in this website And Admin can delete any seller to clicking the delete button and verify all sellers for advertisement. In All Buyers route Admin can see all the buyers logedin in website and also admin can delete any buyers also by clicking the delete button. In Reported Items route Admin can see all the product who get reported from buyer and also admin can delete reported product.

  • Navbar:

    In this navbar you can see Company logo in left side and the right side Home, Blog, Dashboard, LogOut, Login routes. If you're logIn/signUp you can see Home, Blogs, Dashboard, LogOut and avatar. If you're not login in this website you can see Home, Blogs and Login routes.

  • Footer:

    In this footer you can see the company logo. Also with some menues.

Admin Login:


  • React Js
  • Firebase
  • MongoDB
  • Express Js
  • NodeJs
  • daisyui
  • axios
  • date-fns
  • react-countup
  • react-dom
  • react-dropzone
  • react-hook-form
  • react-hot-toast
  • react-icons
  • react-loader-spinner
  • react-router-dom
  • sweetalert2
  • swiper
  • headlessui/react
  • tanstack/react-query
  • stripe/react-stripe-js
  • stripe/stripe-js


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