This project is based on a buying and selling site that also allows auctions. It has a database where information on registered users is stored.
To use the project, clone it or download it to your local computer.
The implementation of the application was carried out on the Linux operating system, using ASP.NET Core as a framework. To execute it you need:
- Install
.Net core
module. - Install and configure
You can find the steps to do this here
To run the migrations, you have to open a console from the root location of the project and execute:
dotnet ef migrations add AddTables
dotnet ef database drop
dotnet ef database update
To execute the project:
dotnet run
- Carmen Irene Cabrera Rodríguez - cicr99
- Enrique Martínez González - kikeXD
- David Guaty Domínguez - Gu4ty
You can find the repository of the project in github