- 👋 Hi, I’m @GustavoCielo
- 👀 I’m interested in backend jobs through Golang or Python, in love with Rust too!
- 🌱 I’m currently a Backend Developer for a company
- 📫 How to reach me: https://linkedin.com/in/gustavohcielo
Skills in Go | Golang | Gin | gRPC | protoc | sqlc | Web-development | REST | HTTP/2 | Abilities in Python | Flask | Flask-RestX | Django | Rest framework | MongoDB | PostgresSQL | DynamoDB | Javascript | React | Node.js. C# | asp.net core | Entity Framework | Knowledge on GIT | CI/CD | Scrum | agile methodologies | management, leadership and coaching. Good understanding of LAMBDA functions and AWS, ElasticSearch, SQS, SNS, S3 and Docker.
My connection and passion with technology began early, I was always connected to the area, and mostly, computers. My first touch with programming was at age 15, when I worked with Lua Script. But at the time, I chose to study law and became a lawyer and also worked as business manager in my father's business.
gh.cielo@hotmail.com gitlab.com/GustavoCielo