A simple, easy to use module for interacting with the API.
This module is powered by apex-api.tk
$ npm i apex-api
- Signup at ApexTracker
- Generate an API Key
// Bring in the Apex module
const Apex = require('apex-api');
// Create an instance of the client with your API Key
const apex = new Apex('YourAPIkey');
apex.user('username', 'platform [PC | XBOX | PSN]').then(data => {
const Apex = require('apex-api');
const apex = new Apex('YourAPIkey');
apex.weaponInfo('[alternator, devotion, eva8auto, flatline, g7scout, havoc, hemlok, kraber, longbow, mastiff, mozambique, p2020, peacekeeper, prowler, r99, r301, re45, spitfire, tripletake, wingman]').then(data => {
const Apex = require('apex-api');
const apex = new Apex('YourAPIkey');
apex.legendInfo('[bloodhound, gibraltar, lifeline, pathfinder, wraith, bangalore, caustic, mirage]').then(data => {
const Apex = require('apex-api');
const apex = new Apex('YourAPIkey');
apex.legendUsage().then(data => {