Some small console apps (mainly for automating files and directory operations) Note: some projects uses some package from NuGet (like CommandLineParser and Newtonsoft.Json)
Search for files in [sourcedir] and tries to determine in which subdir of the [targetdir] it should be copied. Does a testrun first and then asks for permission
Example subdir in [targetdir]: 'e:\targetdir\series - South Park (sp.,sp-,south)' Extracted rules: Move every file that
- contains 'South Park' or 'SouthPark' or 'South-Park' or 'South_Park' or 'South.Park'
- starts with 'sp.' or 'sp-' or 'south' Note that matches are case-insensitive and that 'series - ' is not mandatory and is not used.
Syntax: CopyFilesMatchingDirSuffix [sourcedir] [targetdir]
Util for synching files easily based on a configuration file. Copies or move files from one directory to another. Also two-way synch copying is possible. It is possible to keep existing files or to overwrite them with the new file.
Utility to convert a raw unformatted XML into a nice indented formatted XML file that humans can read Also works for .json files.
Usage: ReindentFile <sourcefile.[xml|json]> <destinationfile.[xml|json]>
Removes all files matching a certain pattern. Patterns are managed in a XML file (see BlackList.xml) Options: -c, --config (Default: RemoveBlackListedFiles.xml) Only show actions verbosely, do not perform actions. -r, --recursive(Default: False) Also search in subdirectories? -d, --directory The directory that needs to be processed. -p, --performactions (Default: False) Do really perform actions, use only when you're 100% sure! --help Display this help screen.
Utility to remove empty directories. When no directory specified the current directory is used. Run RemoveEmptyDirectories -? for help. Options: -r, --recursive (Default: False) Also search in subdirectories? -d, --directory The directory that needs to be processed. -p, --performactions (Default: False) Do really perform actions, use only when you're 100% sure! --help Display this help screen.
Example syntax: RemoveEmptyDirectories -recursive When -p is not specified, a testrun is done
Utility to rename files recursively See RenameRecursively --help for options
Search for directories in [sourcedir] and creates them in [targetdir] when not existing. Does a testrun first and then asks for permission
Syntax: SyncDirNames [sourcedir] [targetdir]
Utility to scan a directory for video files and create multiple screenshots for it. Makes use of mmpeg which can be configured in the config file.