A rudimentary particularly odd solution proposed for an nxn graph in attempt to compute the saved distance when a minimum spanning tree is drawn from the structure
Since databases are accessed regularly, the sorting operation requires to be performed only once and thereafter repetitive searches at reduced speeds can be performed.
The algorithm is dependent on the number of vertices instead of the number of edges.
In real-world situations its rare to encounter a fully connected graph. Therefore dealing with pointless empty spaces in the structure that lack distances is a valid option
That nested dictionary structure is a little excessive on memory and may not be wise
An implementation for "sorted vertices" that isn't discriminant of directed or undirected matrices would prove valuable
Utilising parallelised merge sort could further decrease runtime
A proper merge sort without the use of 'temp' array and an excess linear passage of elements without pecking away at memory is much appreciated.
Calculation of edge summations with the algorithm “sum” needs to be performed using iteration instead of recursion to avoid raising maximum recursion depth related errors
The search operation relative to the vertices number after sorting need not be linear but could be adjusted to suit differing requirements.
An advanced sorting algorithm that runs lower than O(n log(n)) is required if time complexity is to be significantly reduced