" poscan " is a Port Scanner Written in GO
At this stage, " poscan " supports tcp/udp/icmp(ping) scans and also scan through socks5 proxy(only socks5 and only for tcp scan) with ' -proxy ' command
The most important difference between " poscan " and other golang port scanners is that unlike the most of port scanners written in go that are not reliable in udp scan, " poscan " is mostly reliable and i tried to implement the udp scan as reliable and simple as possible
- tcp with proxy:
go run poscan.go -target -oneport 994 -scantype tcp -proxy
- tcp without proxy:
go run poscan.go -target -oneport 994 -scantype tcp
go run poscan.go -target -prange 21-25 -scantype tcp
go run poscan.go -target -sports 21,25 -scantype tcp
- udp:
go run poscan.go -target -sports 53,80 -scantype udp
- icmp: Remember that for ICMP scan you should run script with sudo
sudo go run poscan.go -target -scantype icmp
- Add UDP proxy support
- Include more type of scans like syn, fin, stealth, xmas, rpc, ack
- Multithread
- _
any ideas and issues are welcomed ;-)