Exact Content-based Image Retrieval System
An application that allows user to search for their favorite book just by taking a picture of it.
There are many ways to search for a book that you are interested in - searching it by name, author, ISBN, and any other relevant features. That is all great, but the process is becoming very long as we introduce more and more features in the search system.
This project tries to find the book you want by leveraging the power of Deep Learning and creating an system that allows an end-user to take a picture of books' cover and search the book in the database.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
To run this project you'll need Python 3.5 or later and all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt.
To install all dependencies listend in the requirements file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/HANyangguang/ECBIR.git
- Create the dataset folder and other folders in the static folder
mkdir static/dataset
mkdir static/feature
mkdir static/resized
mkdir static/uploads
- Download the books covers dataset from the Kaggle and unpack the dataset into the dataset folder
Link to the dataset
- Run the script offline.py to index the database use DELF and HNSW
python(3) offline.py
- Start the Flaks server with the server.py
python(3) server.py
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.