Kinected provides an alternative means to access ambient intelligence and IoT devices using skeletal pose tracking and hand tracking over traditional voice commands. It has a greatly configurable interface that can be changed to point to virtually any internet-enabled device. It can also be connected to traditional offline devices via the Kinected UDS (Universal Device Server).
Kinected runs in two parts: the UDS (Universal Device Server) and the Hub. Both have different hardware and software requirements.
The UDS is powered by a Raspberry Pi 4. See the wiring diagram below for more information. The webserver is a simple Flask-powered HTTP server, and you can start it with sudo python3
The Hub will run on any Windows 10 (11 will quite possibly work, but I haven't tested it) machine - I personally run it on an old Dell laptop. It depends on the Kinect For Windows SDK v2.0 - just install it normally.