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Regular expressions parsing/generation/AST-construction JavaScript library


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regex is a JavaScript library intended for parsing, generation and AST-construction of various regular expressions, as per the JavaScript variety's definition.

NOTE: the library depends upon the parsers.js package for parser-making


npm install @hgargg-0710/regex


The package has the following exports:

  1. parse (function)
  2. generate (function)
  3. parser (submodule)
  4. generator (submodule)
  5. tree (submodule)
  6. tokens (submodule)


function parse(regex: string): Flags

A function taking in a string containing a regular expression, and returning an AST of it.


function generate(AST: Flags): string

Takes in the given AST node (not necessariliy Flags, but too long to express here), and returns a string representing it.

NOTE: partial nodes will give only partial results. For example, passing a PatternEnd will give "$".


Various parsing layers APIs

export description
ExpressionParser Function. Parses an Expression, initially tokenizing it
boundry Submodule. Handles parsing of boundries
chars Submodule. Handles tokenization
classes Submodule. Handles parsing of character classes
deflag Submodule. Handles removal of flags
disjunction Submodule. Handles parsing of disjunction expressions
escaped Submodule. Handles parsing of escape-sequences
group Submodule. Handles recursion within a regular expression
nogreedy Submodule. Handles the "no-greedy" quantifiers
quantifier Submodule. Handles the quantifiers

The submodule exports are a part of the parse function's final definition.

The order in which they (layers) are passed within the parse function are:

  1. deflag
  2. chars
  3. classes
  4. escaped
  5. boundry
  6. group (recursive, looped)
  7. quantifier
  8. nogreedy
  9. disjunction


export description
DeFlag Functions for the de-flagging of a string with regular expression in it. Returns a Flags object, with the .expression field containing the expressions's string
flagTable Table for identification of flags with appropriate TokenInstances
flagInstance Function based off flagTable. Returns the TokenType of a given flag string
identifyFlags Maps flagInstance to an array of strings


export description
ExpressionTokenizer A PatternTokenizer for tokenizing the given Pattern with a regular expression in it
tokenizerMap The RegExpMap, on which ExpressionTokenizer is based


export description
CharacterClassParser Main parser for character classes
classLimit Limits the given stream up to the next RectOp from the current element
classMap TypeMap, on which CharacterClassParser is based
HandleClass The handler for the RectOp token inside the classMap
ClassHandler A multistep function, serving as the main component of HandleClass
EscapeInner A parser function, first component of the ClassHandler. Escapes inside characters
HandleEscaped Handler for the escaped characters, main part of the EscapeInner
IdentifyRanges Second parsing function of ClassHandler. Identifies and parsers ranges
HandleRange The main component of IdentifyRanges, parses encountered ranges
InClassEscapedHandler A slightly modified version of the escapedMap from escaped module for escaping


export description
EscapedParser Main parser of the escaped characters
escapePreface The TypeMap, on which EscapedParser is based
escapeMap The ValueMap, on which defines the global-scope escaping
escapedHandler Creates a function for handling escaped characters based off given map
parseBackreference Returns a Backreference based on given arguments of curr, input
parseMultControl Returns a ControlCharacter of lengths 4-5 based on curr, input
parseDoubleControl Returns a ControlCharacter of length 2 based on curr, input
parseSingleControl Returns a ControlCharacter of length 1 based on curr, input
readUnicodeClassProperty Parses a UnicodeClassProperty based on curr, input
readBraced Reads the given Stream, until a ClBrace is encountered
readNamedBackreference Reads a NamedBackreference based on readIdentifier
readUBrace Reads a sequence of {hhhh} or {hhhhh} where isHex(h) === true
readu Reads a sequence of hhhh, where isHex(h) === true
readx Reads a sequence of hh, where isHex(h) === true
isHex Returns whether a character given is a hexidecimal


export description
BoundryParser Main parser of the submodule. Separates boundries into TokenInstances
boundryMap The TypeMap, on which the BoundryParser is based
HandleEscaped Handles the NonWordBoundry TokenInstances


export description
EndParser The main parser of the submodule. The ExpressionParser ends with it
GroupParser The first parsing layer of the EndParser. Recursive. Handles recursion, groups/captures, look-aheads/-behinds
groupMap The TypeMap, on which the GroupParser is based
GroupHandler The main component of the groupMap
nestedBrack Function for limiting the current-level nested bracket-expression
CollectionHandler Function for handling current collection
HandleQMark Function for handling "collections" starting with ? ((?<!...), (?<...>...), ...)
HandleCollectionBase Function for recursively handling a capture group
QMarkHandler Underlying TableParser of HandleQMark
HandleQMarkExclMark Handles a negative look-ahead
HandleQMarkEq Handles a look-ahead
HandleLeftAngular Handles all "collections" starting with < ((?<...>...), (?<=...), ...)
HandleColon Handles a no-capture group
LeftAngularHandler Underlying TableParser for HandleLeftAngular
HandleLeftAngularBase Handles a named capture
HandleLeftAngularExclMark Handles a negative look-behind
HandleLeftAngularEq Handles a look-behind
readIdentifier Reads an identifier (for the named capture/backreference)


export description
QuantifierParser Main parser of the submodule. Parses quantifiers
QuantifierHandler A TableParser, main component of the QuantifierParser
HandlePlus Handles a Plus token encountered
HandleStar Handles a Star token encountered
HandleQMark Handles a QMark token encountered
BraceHandler Handles a OpBrace token encountered
HandleBraced Returns a handling function for either one of NtoM, NPlus, or NOnly
readNumber Reads a number from the given Stream (note: up to the first isNaN token)
limitBraced Limits the given Stream up to the point of the first encountered ClBrace


export description
ParseNoGreedy Main parser of the submodule. Parsers NoGreedy tokens
noGreedyMap The TypeMap, on which ParseNoGreedy is based
HandleQuantifier Handler for quantifiers
QuantifierHandler The underlying TableParser-function of HandleQuantifiers
HandleQMark Handles QMark following a quantifier (no-greedy quantifiers)


export description
DisjunctionParser The main export of the submodule. Parses disjunctions
EmptyFixer First parsing layer of DisjunctionParser. Fixes empty expressions ||
DisjunctionTokenizer Second parsing layer of DisjunctionParser. Puts non-Pipe bits of current Stream into DisjucntionArguments
DisjunctionDelimiter Third and final parsing layer of DisjunctionParser. Delimits the Stream based off Pipe tokens
hasDisjunctions Checks whether a given Stream has disjunctions to parse from given point on
limitPipe Limits the given Stream until the moment the next Pipe is encountered
skipTilPipes Skips Stream until a Pipe is discovered


Provides regex-generation related exports based off the package's AST

export description
RegexGenerator The SourceGenerator for the package's AST (generate is based on it)
generatorMap The TypeMap, on which RegexGenerator is based
GenerateBackspaceClass Generates a regex for BackspaceClass
GenerateWordBoundry Generates a regex for WordBoundry
GenerateNonWordBoundry Generates a regex for NonWordBoundry
GenerateNewline Generates a regex for Newline
GenerateCarriageReturn Generates a regex for CarriageReturn
GenerateWordClass Generates a regex for WordClass
GenerateNonWordClass Generates a regex for NonWordClass
GenerateFormFeed Generates a regex for FormFeed
GenerateDigitClass Generates a regex for DigitClass
GenerateNonDigitClass Generates a regex for NonDigitClass
GenerateNULClass Generates a regex for NULClass
GenerateVerticalTab Generates a regex for VerticalTab
GenerateHorizontalTab Generates a regex for HorizontalTab
GenerateNonWhitespaceClass Generates a regex for NonWhitespaceClass
GenerateWhitespaceClass Generates a regex for WhitespaceClass
GenerateEmptyExpression Generates a regex for EmptyExpression
GenerateMatchIndicies Generates a regex for MatchIndicies flag
GenerateGlobalSearch Generates a regex for GlobalSearch flag
GenerateCaseInsensitive Generates a regex for CaseInsensitive flag
GenerateMultline Generates a regex for Multline flag
GenerateDotAll Generates a regex for DotAll flag
GenerateUnicode Generates a regex for Unicode flag
GenerateUnicodeSets Generates a regex for UnicodeSets flag
GenerateSticky Generates a regex for Sticky flag
GeneratePatterStart Generates a regex for PatternStart
GeneratePatternEnd Generates a regex for PatternEnd
GenerateFlags Generates a regex for Flags
GenerateExpression Generates an regex for Expression
GenerateNOnly Generates an regex for NOnly
GenerateNtoM Generates an regex for NtoM
GenerateNPlus Generates an regex for NPlus
GenerateEscaped Generates an regex for Escaped
GenerateBackreference Generates a regex for Backreference
GenerateUnicodeClassProperty Generates a regex for UnicodeClassProperty
GenerateControlCharacter Generates a regex for ControlCharacter
GenerateNamedBackreference Generates a regex for NamedBackreference
GenerateClassRange Generates a regex for ClassRange
GenerateNoGreedy Generates a regex for NoGreedy
GenerateOptional Generates anregex for Optional
GenerateZeroPlus Generates a regex for ZeroPlus
GenerateOnePlus Generates a regex for OnePlus
GenerateClass Generates a regex for CharacterClass
GenerateNegClass Generates a regex for NegCharacterClass
GenerateDisjunction Generates a regex for Disjunction
GenerateDisjunctionArgument Generates a regex for DisjunctionArgument
GenerateNonCaptureGroup Generates a regex for NonCaptureGroup
GenerateCaptureGroup Generates a regex for CaptureGroup
GenerateLookAhead Generates a regex for LookAhead
GenerateLookBehind Generates a regex for LookBehind
GenerateNegLookAhead Generates a regex for NegLookAhead
GenerateNegLookBehind Generates a regex for NegLookBehind
GenerateNamedCapture Generates a regex for NamedCapture
GenerateWildcard Generates a regex for Wildcard
GeneratePipe Generates a regex for Pipe
GenerateComma Generates a regex for Comma
GenerateTrivial Generates a regex for anything else not in the table already (with a typeof .value === 'string')


export description
RegexStream A TreeStream for the library's AST (note: accepts THE AST ITSELF)
RegexTree A Tree interface implementation for the library's AST
treeMap The TypeMap, on which RegexTree is based
NamedCaptureTree The function for conversion of a NamedCapture to a Tree
ExpressionTree The function for conversion of an Expression to a Tree
FlagTree The function for convertsion of a Flags to a Tree
SeveralTree The function for conversion of NOnly, NtoM and NPlus to a Tree
SingleTree The function for conversion of ZeroPlus, OnePlus, Optional, LookAhead, LookBehind, NegLookAhead, NegLookBehind, NamedBackreference to a Tree
ValueTree The function for conversion of ClassRange, DisjunctionArgument, CharacterClass, NegCharacterClass and Disjunction to a Tree
ChildlessTree The function for conversion of the rest of the tokens to a Tree


The tokens module has the same submodule structure as the parser module.

submodule description
boundry Various boundry tokens
chars Various basic (first-order) tokens
classes Tokens for representation of character classes
deflag Flags and expressions representation tokens
disjunction Disjunction-related tokens
escaped Escape-sequence-related tokens
group Tokens for groups and other recursive structures
nogreedy Tokens for non-greedy quantifiers
quantifier Tokens for quantifiers


TokenType/TokenInstance represents type
MatchIndicies The d flag "indicies"
GlobalSearch The g flag "global"
CaseInsensitive The i flag "case-insensitive"
Multiline The m flag "multiline"
DotAll The s flag "dot-all"
Unicode The u flag "unicode"
UnicodeSets The v flag "unicode-sets"
Sticky The y flag "sticky"
Flags The complete regular expression with flags "flags"
Expression A partial expression, without flags (can have other Expressions inside) "expression"


TokenType represents type
Escape \\ "escape"
RectOp [ "rop"
RectCl ] "rcl"
Hyphen - "hyphen"
Pipe | "pipe"
OpBrack ( "opbrack"
ClBrack ) clbrack
QMark ? "qmark"
ExclMark ! "emark
Eq = "eq"
Wildcard . "wildcard"
Star * "star"
Plus + "plus"
OpBrace { "opbrc"
ClBrace } "clbrc"
Colon : "colon"
Comma , "comma"
LeftAngular < "lang"
RightAngular > "rang"
Dollar $ "dollar"
Xor ^ "xor"
RegexSymbol everything else "symbol"


TokenType represents type
CharacterClass A character class [...] "charclass"
NegCharacterClass A negative character class [^...] "neg-charclass"
ClassRange A character class range X-Y "class-range"


TokenType/TokenInstance represents type
ControlCharacter \cX, \xhh, \uhhhh, \u{hhhh} or \u{hhhhh} "control-char"
Backreference \N - numeric backreference "backref"
NamedBackreference \k<name> - named backreference "named-backref"
UnicodeClassProperty \p{...} - unicode class property "uniprop"
RegexIdentifier name - identifier in named captures/backreferences "identifier"
CarriageReturn \r - carriage return "cr"
NonWordBoundry \B - non-word boundry (outside classes) "non-word-boundry"
WordBoundry \b - word-boundry "word-boundry"
NULClass \0 - NUL class "nul-class"
FormFeed \f - form feed "form-feed"
DigitClass \d - digit class "digit-class"
NonDigitClass \D - non-digit class "non-digit-class"
WordClass \w - word-class "word-class"
NonWordClass \W - nonw-word-class "non-word-class"
WhitespaceClass \s - whitespace class "whitespace-class"
NonWhitespaceClass \S - non-whitespace class "non-whitespace-class"
HorizontalTab \t - horizontal tab "tab"
VerticalTab \v - vertical tab "vtab"
BackspaceClass \b - backspace "backspace"
Newline \n - newline "newline"
Escaped Any other escaped character "escaped"


TokenInstance represents type
PatternStart ^ "start"
PatternEnd $ "end"


TokenType represents type
CaptureGroup (...) "capture"
NoCaptureGroup (?:...) "non-capture"
NamedCapture (<name>...) "named-capture"
LookAhead (?=...) "lookahead"
LookBehind (?<=...) "lookbehind"
NegLookAhead (?!...) "neg-lookahead"
NegLookBehind (?<!...) "neg-lookbehind"


TokenType represents type
ZeroPlus ...* "zero-plus"
OnePlus ...+ "one-plus"
Optional ...? "optional"
NOnly ...{...} "n-only"
NPlus ...{...,} "n-plus"
NtoM ...{...,...} "n-to-m"


export description type
NoGreedy A TokenType representing no-greedy opertors "nogreedy"
isQuantifier A predicate returning true only for tokens with types from the quantifier module


TokenType/TokenInstance represents type
Disjunction ...|...|... "disjunction"
DisjunctionArgument An element of a Disjunction "disjunction-arg"
EmptyExpression An empty element of a Disjunction (||) "empty"


Regular expressions parsing/generation/AST-construction JavaScript library




