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ℹ What is this?

This repository contains the data for reproducing all the results presented in

A Gaussian process cross-correlation approach to time delay estimation for reverberation mapping of active galactic nuclei

via the GPCC.jl implementation.

💾 Installation

This package is registered with AINJuliaRegistry. Please add AINJuliaRegistry in order to use package. Install with add GPCCData in package mode once AINJuliaRegistry has been added to your Julia installation.

▶ Available datasets

3C120, Mrk335, Mrk1501, Mrk6, PG2130099, Mgc0811, ESO399-IG20

▶ Available functions

The package exports three functions called listdatasets, readdataset, plotdataset.

▶ Examples

See a brief description in "help mode" with e.g. ?readdataset.

using GPCCData
using PyPlot # must be independently installed

days, flux, stdflux, bandfilenames, minimumtime = readdataset(source="Mrk6")

figure(1) ; cla()

for i in 1:length(days)
  errorbar(days[i], flux[i], yerr=stdflux[i], fmt="o", label=bandfilenames[i])


Alternatively, one can conveniently plot a dataset using e.g. plotdataset(source = "Mrk6").

To get a list of the available datasets call listdatasets().

Example: plot all available datasets:

map(source -> plotdataset(source = source), listdatasets())


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