Scan conserved intervals based on the collinearity of genes. such as QTLs, DHS peaks.
python ./utils/ -r ./testData/request_QTL.txt -g ./testData/homoeolog_gene_coordinate.txt -o ./testData/request_flank_homoeolog_gene.txt
need the chromosomes size file
1. `-rf` flank length of request Interval.
2. `-tf` flank length of target Interval, default 1M.
python ./utils/ -c ./testData/chromsome_len.txt -g ./testData/gene_coordiante.txt -f ./testData/request_flank_homoeolog_gene.txt -rf 100 -o ./testData/align_coordinate.txt
python ./utils/ -g Ghirsutum_genome.fasta -b align_coordinate.txt -o align_coordinate.fa
module load BLAST+/2.10.1
blastn -query align_coordinate.fa -db Blast/Ghir_HZAU_V1.1 -qcov_hsp_perc 80 -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore length nident mismatch gaps qcovs qcovhsp' -strand both -evalue 1e-5 -out align_coordinate.blast "
python ./testData/align_coordinate.txt align_coordinate.blast align_conserved.txt