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Transition Website

Transition website for hiring people to join the hackmerced team. This will be rolled out during the period after the hackathon and before the summer. It's purpose is to display information about the positions available at hack merced, as well as a link to apply to become a part of the organization.

Hosted on heroku here:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To check if they are installed, run these commands in bash:

python --version

also check this (mainly for OSx)

python3 --version

If either of the above show the python version as being above 3.6, the that's fine. Then check the version

pip --version


Now that we know that python and pip are installed, we can clone the repository to get a basic setup. Steps:

  1. cd into a working directory
cd somedirectory
  1. clone the repo
git clone transition-website
  1. cd into the 'transition-website' directory
cd transition-website
  1. create a virtual environment (in python3). This will ensure that the dependencies are isolated and won't interfere with the global packages
python3 -m venv env
  1. activate the virtual environment to "quarantine" the project's dependencies
source env/bin/activate

you should see (env) pre-pended to the bash prompt. This verifies that you are in the virtual environment

  1. make sure you are at the root of the 'transition-website' directory, and install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. run the app locally
  1. open up a browser, and enter whichever local link that flask will run on (look at terminal output) usually its
  2. Now, we have the environment setup! Open up a text editor and play around with the code.


Deployed through heroku. Must have admin credentials to update the live website.

Built With

  • Flask - The web framework used


If you would like to contribute to this repo, follow these steps.

  1. fork the repository, so you can have a copy
  2. make a new branch, with a descriptive branch name of the feature/change would like to add.
  3. make desired changes on forked repo
  4. when done, make a commit, push to your repo
  5. submit a pull request from your local 'forked' branch to the 'master' branch of the original repo
  6. wait for your pull request to either be accepted, rejected, or flagged as 'needs work'


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details