sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database
Basic Command:
- Crawling for SQL Inject Parameters.
sqlmap -u altor.testfire.php --crawl <1-3>
To get the Database name, we use
sqlmap -u altor.testfire.php --crawl <1-3> --dbs
To get the tables name, we use command --tables. In this case we have to replace the --dbs with -D 'Database-name'
Get the columns name. For that we'll use command --columns. In this case we have to replace the --dbs with -D & --tables with -T
To get the database names and details.
- To dump the tables/contents. Use command --dump.
Google Dork SQL Injection:
Thread: To increase the concurrent users attacking simultanously. Range 1-10
Risk: If we want to increase the risk or different type of queries. Ex: Update/Delete/Insert etc. Range 1-3
Level: To increase the different parameters for SQL injection attack. Command --level 1-5
Verbosity: We can view the detailed request which is being sent by sqlmap. Command: -v 0-6
[17:04:37] [TRAFFIC OUT] HTTP request [#25]: GET http://testphp.vulnweb.com/Mod_Rewrite_Shop/Details/color-printer/3/ HTTP/1.1 Cache-control: no-cache User-agent: sqlmap/ (https://sqlmap.org) Host: testphp.vulnweb.com Accept: / Accept-encoding: gzip,deflate Connection: close
GET / HTTP/1.1 Referrer: xyz.com User-agent: GECKO_Chrome Host: testphp.vulnweb.com Accept: / Accept-encoding: gzip,deflate Connection: close
Output: we can use --output-dir or we can use >
mobile: To trick server thinking that request is being sent from a mobile phone.
which smartphone do you want sqlmap to imitate through HTTP User-Agent header? [1] Apple iPhone 8 (default) [2] BlackBerry Z10 [3] Google Nexus 7 [4] Google Pixel [5] HP iPAQ 6365 [6] HTC 10 [7] Huawei P8 [8] Microsoft Lumia 950 [9] Nokia N97 [10] Samsung Galaxy S8 [11] Xiaomi Mi 8 Pro
- Tamper List: It is used to bypass the firewall by encoding the keywords, command “sqlmap –list-tampers”. It can be used using command —tamper=. Example: --tamper=base64encode.
listing available tamper scripts
- 0eunion.py - Replaces instances of UNION with e0UNION
- apostrophemask.py - Replaces apostrophe character (') with its UTF-8 full width counterpart (e.g. ' -> %EF%BC%87)
- apostrophenullencode.py - Replaces apostrophe character (') with its illegal double unicode counterpart (e.g. ' -> %00%27)
- appendnullbyte.py - Appends (Access) NULL byte character (%00) at the end of payload
- base64encode.py - Base64-encodes all characters in a given payload
- between.py - Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'NOT BETWEEN 0 AND #' and equals operator ('=') with 'BETWEEN # AND #'
- binary.py - Injects keyword binary where possible
- bluecoat.py - Replaces space character after SQL statement with a valid random blank character. Afterwards replace character '=' with operator LIKE
- chardoubleencode.py - Double URL-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %2553%2545%254C%2545%2543%2554)
- charencode.py - URL-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %53%45%4C%45%43%54)
- charunicodeencode.py - Unicode-URL-encodes all characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %u0053%u0045%u004C%u0045%u0043%u0054)
- charunicodeescape.py - Unicode-escapes non-encoded characters in a given payload (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> \u0053\u0045\u004C\u0045\u0043\u0054)
- commalesslimit.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances like 'LIMIT M, N' with 'LIMIT N OFFSET M' counterpart
- commalessmid.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances like 'MID(A, B, C)' with 'MID(A FROM B FOR C)' counterpart
- commentbeforeparentheses.py - Prepends (inline) comment before parentheses (e.g. ( -> /**/()
- concat2concatws.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances like 'CONCAT(A, B)' with 'CONCAT_WS(MID(CHAR(0), 0, 0), A, B)' counterpart
- dunion.py - Replaces instances of UNION with DUNION
- equaltolike.py - Replaces all occurrences of operator equal ('=') with 'LIKE' counterpart
- equaltorlike.py - Replaces all occurrences of operator equal ('=') with 'RLIKE' counterpart
- escapequotes.py - Slash escape single and double quotes (e.g. ' -> ')
- greatest.py - Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'GREATEST' counterpart
- halfversionedmorekeywords.py - Adds (MySQL) versioned comment before each keyword
- hex2char.py - Replaces each (MySQL) 0x encoded string with equivalent CONCAT(CHAR(),...) counterpart
- htmlencode.py - HTML encode (using code points) all non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. ' -> ')
- ifnull2casewhenisnull.py - Replaces instances like 'IFNULL(A, B)' with 'CASE WHEN ISNULL(A) THEN (B) ELSE (A) END' counterpart
- ifnull2ifisnull.py - Replaces instances like 'IFNULL(A, B)' with 'IF(ISNULL(A), B, A)' counterpart
- informationschemacomment.py - Add an inline comment (/**/) to the end of all occurrences of (MySQL) "information_schema" identifier
- least.py - Replaces greater than operator ('>') with 'LEAST' counterpart
- lowercase.py - Replaces each keyword character with lower case value (e.g. SELECT -> select)
- luanginx.py - LUA-Nginx WAFs Bypass (e.g. Cloudflare)
- misunion.py - Replaces instances of UNION with -.1UNION
- modsecurityversioned.py - Embraces complete query with (MySQL) versioned comment
- modsecurityzeroversioned.py - Embraces complete query with (MySQL) zero-versioned comment
- multiplespaces.py - Adds multiple spaces (' ') around SQL keywords
- ord2ascii.py - Replaces ORD() occurences with equivalent ASCII() calls
- overlongutf8.py - Converts all (non-alphanum) characters in a given payload to overlong UTF8 (not processing already encoded) (e.g. ' -> %C0%A7)
- overlongutf8more.py - Converts all characters in a given payload to overlong UTF8 (not processing already encoded) (e.g. SELECT -> %C1%93%C1%85%C1%8C%C1%85%C1%83%C1%94)
- percentage.py - Adds a percentage sign ('%') infront of each character (e.g. SELECT -> %S%E%L%E%C%T)
- plus2concat.py - Replaces plus operator ('+') with (MsSQL) function CONCAT() counterpart
- plus2fnconcat.py - Replaces plus operator ('+') with (MsSQL) ODBC function {fn CONCAT()} counterpart
- randomcase.py - Replaces each keyword character with random case value (e.g. SELECT -> SEleCt)
- randomcomments.py - Add random inline comments inside SQL keywords (e.g. SELECT -> S//E//LECT)
- schemasplit.py - Splits FROM schema identifiers (e.g. 'testdb.users') with whitespace (e.g. 'testdb 9.e.users')
- sleep2getlock.py - Replaces instances like 'SLEEP(5)' with (e.g.) "GET_LOCK('ETgP',5)"
- sp_password.py - Appends (MsSQL) function 'sp_password' to the end of the payload for automatic obfuscation from DBMS logs
- space2comment.py - Replaces space character (' ') with comments '/**/'
- space2dash.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a dash comment ('--') followed by a random string and a new line ('\n')
- space2hash.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by a random string and a new line ('\n')
- space2morecomment.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with comments '/_/'
- space2morehash.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by a random string and a new line ('\n')
- space2mssqlblank.py - Replaces (MsSQL) instances of space character (' ') with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters
- space2mssqlhash.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a pound character ('#') followed by a new line ('\n')
- space2mysqlblank.py - Replaces (MySQL) instances of space character (' ') with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters
- space2mysqldash.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a dash comment ('--') followed by a new line ('\n')
- space2plus.py - Replaces space character (' ') with plus ('+')
- space2randomblank.py - Replaces space character (' ') with a random blank character from a valid set of alternate characters
- substring2leftright.py - Replaces PostgreSQL SUBSTRING with LEFT and RIGHT
- symboliclogical.py - Replaces AND and OR logical operators with their symbolic counterparts (&& and ||)
- unionalltounion.py - Replaces instances of UNION ALL SELECT with UNION SELECT counterpart
- unmagicquotes.py - Replaces quote character (') with a multi-byte combo %BF%27 together with generic comment at the end (to make it work)
- uppercase.py - Replaces each keyword character with upper case value (e.g. select -> SELECT)
- varnish.py - Appends a HTTP header 'X-originating-IP' to bypass Varnish Firewall
- versionedkeywords.py - Encloses each non-function keyword with (MySQL) versioned comment
- versionedmorekeywords.py - Encloses each keyword with (MySQL) versioned comment
- xforwardedfor.py - Append a fake HTTP header 'X-Forwarded-For' (and alike)