Plans for year 2017
Mathematics won the war.
Mathematics broke the Japanese codes and built the A-bomb.
Mathematics like you.
The stated goal of the Soviets is global communism.
In medicine or ecomics, in technology or space,
battle lines are being drawn.
To triumph we need results. Publishable applicable results.
Now who among you will be the next Morse? The next Einstein?
Who among you will be the vanguard of democracy freedom and discovery?
Today we bequeath America's future into your able hands.
Welcome to Princeton gentlemen.
--<<A Beautiful Mind>>
- C++
- Java
- Open Source
- Algorithm and Data Structure
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Computer Science topics
- Mathematics
books, blogs, websites and videos about C++ programming language
Object-Oritented Programming and Generic Programming
Containers and Algorithm and other libraries
books,blogs,websites and videos about Java Programming language
Open source Projects forked from or
books, blogs, websites and videos about Algorithm and Data Structure
books, blogs, websites and videos about Machine Learning and Data Mining
covers more topics about Computer Science, such as Operating System, Databases, Networks, Software Engineers, NLP, AI, Search Engine, Programming Language, Computer Vision and so on.
mathematics that is required for Computer Science