AKA editing a real image with text.
This is banana.dev conversion of https://github.com/google/prompt-to-prompt#editing-real-images
import banana from "@banana-dev/banana-dev";
import fs from "fs/promises";
const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY;
const modelKey = process.env.MODEL_KEY;
const modelParameters = {
image_base64: Buffer.from(await fs.readFile("./tay1.png")).toString("base64"),
prompts: ["a woman with blonde hair and a blue scarf", "a woman with blonde hair and a yellow scarf"],
blend_word: [["blue"], ["yellow"]],
eq_params: { words: ["yellow"], values: [2] },
num_inference_steps: 50,
guidance_scale: 7.5,
height: 512,
width: 512,
cross_replace_steps: { default_: 0.8 },
self_replace_steps: 0.5,
seed: new Date().getTime(),
try {
const res = await banana.run(apiKey, modelKey, modelParameters);
const { image_base64 } = res.modelOutputs[0];
console.log("in:", JSON.stringify(modelParameters));
delete res.modelOutputs[0].image_base64;
console.log("res:", JSON.stringify(res));
const img = Buffer.from(image_base64, "base64");
await fs.writeFile("./out.png", img);
} catch (ex) {
console.error("ERROR", ex);