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Chris edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the BetterDiscord Wiki!

This wiki tries to provide help with installation, fixing errors and doing cool stuff with BetterDiscord.

###You may want to check these Docs for more in depth support for BetterDiscord.

###Do not go to the official Discord channels for support on BetterDiscord features.

###Do not come to the BetterDiscord channel for support on 3rd party plugins.

Do not come to the BetterDiscord channel for support until you've read the FAQ.

Do come to the BetterDiscord channel if you'd like to help out or talk to cool people in the only place that has animated emotes.

Remember this is a community project, if you find an issue with BetterDiscord, try to help yourself before getting help from others. If you're a developer, we always appreciate a good pull request.

If there is an error you get that is not listed here, try to put a new issue here or come to our channel.

BetterDiscord Channel

Core Maintainers

  • Jiiks


  • Pohky
  • DoNotGoGently DoNotSpamPls (fix if DNGG is a real person)
  • EhsanKia
  • pendo324
  • SoulWeaver
  • ♂noVaLue

Theme Contributors

  • CosmicSalad
  • Omniscien.t (Chaotiic)
  • Dinos

Plugin Contributors

Get your name here for making cool useful and non-hackish plugins!

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