This is a Dev Academy Aotearoa project which I was challenged to finish and deploy. I was given an existing boilerplate and styling, and used this to build a fullstack application which shows a user a list of 'todos', or tasks and the status of those tasks. Once I finished developing the app, I deployed it using Dokku. This was my first time deploying a project.
✨I have now redeployed this project on Railway. View it here!
- Node.js
- React
- ReactQuery
- TypeScript
- Knex
- SQLite3
- Express
- Superagent
- Vite
- Dokku
This application is complete. A user can perform the four CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete).
- Building a fullstack application from scratch
- Prop-drilling into sub-components in React
- Preparing an application for production
- Deploying a fullstack application into production using Dokku