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OGL Debug OGL Release VK Debug VK Release



Topaz is a 3D graphics engine.

  • C++20 (no modules)
  • Very low-level declarative graphics API.
  • Supports OpenGL/Vulkan, Windows/Linux and Clang/GCC/MSVC (See requirements section below for required versions)

Topaz 4.2.0 is the most recent release of the Topaz Engine.

The Topaz project has been ongoing since it began as a school project in 2015.

Notable Features

  • Low-level graphics API, with either a Vulkan or OpenGL backend, configured at compile-time.
  • Barebones lua scripting support
  • GLTF model importing
  • Ability to embed arbitrary text-files within built executables.

Version History

Each major version is a total rewrite and thus completely different from the previous. Each minor version typically consists of API-breaking feature changes. Patch versions are not formally shipped unless they contain emergency bugfixes for a flawed release.

Topaz Version Release Date Branch Documentation
... TBD master
4.2.0 Apr 23, 2024 Topaz4.2 Branch: gh-pages-tz4.2
4.1.0 Dec 1, 2023 Topaz4.1 Branch: gh-pages-tz4.1
4.0.0 July 9, 2023 Topaz4.0 Branch: gh-pages-tz4.0
3.6.1 Dec 10, 2022 Topaz3.6 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.6
3.6.0 Dec 8, 2022 Topaz3.6 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.6
3.5.0 Sep 22, 2022 Topaz3.5 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.5
3.4.0 Aug 3, 2022 Topaz3.4 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.4
3.3.0 Jun 12, 2022 Topaz3.3 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.3
3.2.0 Apr 23, 2022 Topaz3.2 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.2
3.1.0 Feb 13, 2022 Topaz3.1 Branch: gh-pages-tz3.1
3.0.0 Sep 17, 2021 Topaz3.0 Branch: gh-pages-tz3
2.0.0 May 9, 2021 Topaz2.0 Branch: gh-pages-tz2
1.0.0 Sep 25, 2020 Topaz1.0 Branch: gh-pages-tz1
More Releases

Note: I do not recommend any of these. These are listed just for completeness.

Topaz Version Release Date Release
0.7.0 Apr 10, 2019 Raycasts, Octrees & Improved Utility
0.6.0 Jul 18, 2018 Shadow Mapping & Physics
0.5.1 Dec 12, 2017 Refactoring 1
0.5.0 Oct 8, 2017 Physics & Collision
0.4.0 Sep 25, 2017 Displacement Maps & Skyboxes
0.3.0 Sep 21, 2017 GUI & Flexible
0.2.0 Jun 5, 2017 Prettier, faster and more features
0.1.6 Apr 16, 2017 Skybox & Audio
0.1.5 Apr 11, 2017 Dynamic Lighting
0.1.4 Apr 9, 2017 Audio
0.1.3 Mar 29, 2017 World Construction
0.1.2 Mar 25, 2017 Hightail House Construction
0.1.1 Mar 24, 2017 Parallax Displacement Mapping
0.1.0 Mar 21, 2017 Dev Test

Build Instructions

  1. Checkout the repository resursively.

  2. Configure CMake. It is recommended you use a preset.

    Example: cmake --preset host_vulkan_debug

  3. Build the topaz target to build the engine. Run the tztest target to build and run all unit-tests.


The table below shows all the engine's dependencies.

Dependency Render API Build Config Dependency Type
concurrentqueue Both All Git Submodule
debugbreak Both All Git Submodule
GLAD OpenGL All Included in repository
imgui Both All Git Submodule
imgui_club Both All Git Submodule
textc Both All Git Submodule
stb Both All Git Submodule
nlohmann json Both All Git Submodule
lua Both All Git Submodule
msdfgen Both All Git Submodule
tracy Both Profile Git Submodule
Vulkan SDK Vulkan All Needs pre-installation
VulkanMemoryAllocator Vulkan All Git Submodule


The following requirements apply for all possible build configurations:

  • A C++20-compliant compiler. GCC, MSVC and Clang are all tested so you can be confident using these. If you're not using any of these compilers, your mileage may vary.
  • CMake 3.21 or later is required to build.

Vulkan Build

  • Windows or Linux.

    • macOS may be theoretically possible now that MoltenVK supports VK1.2, but no investigation has been done to decipher how much work is needed. Definitely, no work is planned for proper Metal support.
  • Vulkan SDK 1.2 or later must be installed.

  • Your graphics card must support Vulkan 1.3. Check your graphics card here.

    • It must also support the following vulkan extension(s):
      • VK_KHR_swapchain
      • VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info (debug builds only)

OpenGL Build

  • Windows or Linux.
  • Your graphics card must support OpenGL 4.6. Check your graphics card here.
    • It must also support the following opengl extension(s):
      • ARB_bindless_texture
        • Note: If this extension is not supported, the engine can still build & run, but you cannot use tz::gl::image_resources of any kind. The unit-tests are guaranteed not to use image resources, so those are safe to run if you lack this extension.
      • ARB_indirect_parameters
        • Note: If this extension is not supported, the engine can still build and run, but you cannot use tz::gl::renderer_option::draw_indirect_count. None of the tests do this, but tz_gpu_driven_demo is a demo that does use this, and thus won't run for you on OGL.