Tech Stack : Node JS, Typescript, Express, Postgres, Prisma
The code is deployed under https://speer-notes-production.up.railway.app/ Feel Free to test it.
Welcome to the Speer Notes API. Use /api
as the base endpoint.
- Description: Welcome endpoint (with documentation).
- Response:
- Presents this ReadME you are reading....
- Description: health endpoint.
- Response:
- Status of service
- Description: Retrieve all notes for the authenticated user.
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Response:
[ { "id": "0cf59c3c-832c-4c28-a0e7-ed9a9afd2ef6", "title": "Hii", "content": "This is COntent", "createdAt": "2024-01-05T09:53:42.570Z", "updatedAt": "2024-01-05T09:53:42.570Z", "deletedAt": null, "authorId": "b696e8f2-ae87-4cd3-ae50-93a52bd47fd3", "shared": [] }, { "id": "0a3cd214-5383-467a-a702-408205d35fb5", "title": "Hii2 - Updated", "content": "This is COntent2 Updated", "createdAt": "2024-01-05T09:57:51.765Z", "updatedAt": "2024-01-05T10:20:36.016Z", "deletedAt": null, "authorId": "b696e8f2-ae87-4cd3-ae50-93a52bd47fd3", "shared": [ { "id": "c741a0d8-1898-4f36-a47f-3925b8953ae7", "createdAt": "2024-01-05T10:34:28.836Z", "noteId": "0a3cd214-5383-467a-a702-408205d35fb5", "ownerId": "b696e8f2-ae87-4cd3-ae50-93a52bd47fd3", "sharedWithId": "34947484-a7e8-4713-8357-eea15b411e17" } ] }, ]
- Description: Retrieve a specific note by its ID.
- Parameters:
- ID of the note to retrieve. - Requires Authentication: Yes
- Response:
{ "id": "uuid", "title": "Sample Note", "content": "This is a sample note.", "authorId": "user1" }
- Description: Create a new note for the authenticated user.
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Request:
{ "title": "New Note", "content": "Content of the new note." }
- Response:
{ "id": "uuid", "title": "New Note", "content": "Content of the new note.", "authorId": "user1" }
- Description: Update an existing note by ID.
- Parameters:
- ID of the note to update. - Requires Authentication: Yes
- Request:
{ "title": "Updated Note", "content": "Updated content of the note." }
- Response:
{ "id": "uuid", "title": "Updated Note", "content": "Updated content of the note.", "authorId": "user1" }
- Description: Delete a note by ID.
- Parameters:
- ID of the note to delete. - Requires Authentication: Yes
- staus: 204 NO CONTENT
- Response:
- Description: Share a note with another user.
- Parameters:
- ID of the note to share. - Requires Authentication: Yes
- Request:
{ "sharedWithId": "34947484-a7e8-4713-8357-eea15b411e17" }
- Response:
{ "id": "c741a0d8-1898-4f36-a47f-3925b8953ae7", "createdAt": "2024-01-05T10:34:28.836Z", "noteId": "0a3cd214-5383-467a-a702-408205d35fb5", "ownerId": "b696e8f2-ae87-4cd3-ae50-93a52bd47fd3", "sharedWithId": "34947484-a7e8-4713-8357-eea15b411e17" }
- Description: Search for notes based on keywords.
- Query Parameters:
- The search query string. - Requires Authentication: Yes
- Response:
[ { "id": "0a3cd214-5383-467a-a702-408205d35fb5", "title": "Hii2 - Updated", "content": "This is COntent2 Updated", "createdAt": "2024-01-05T09:57:51.765Z", "updatedAt": "2024-01-05T10:20:36.016Z", "deletedAt": null, "authorId": "b696e8f2-ae87-4cd3-ae50-93a52bd47fd3" } ]
Description: Register a new user.
{ "email": "newuser@example.com", "password": "password123" }
{ "id": "uuid", "email": "newuser@example.com" }
{ "message": "A user with this email already exists" }
- Description: Authenticate a user and return a token.
- Request:
{ "email": "user@example.com", "password": "password123" }
- Response:
{ "token": "jwt-token" }