API Documentation The API provides access to various functionalities within the application. It is RESTful and communicates using JSON.
Authentication: API requests require authentication. Include an auth-token header with a valid user token obtained during login.
Endpoints: GET /allproducts
Returns a list of all products. Example: http://your-api-base-url.com/api/allproducts GET /newcollections
Returns a list of new collection products. Example: http://your-api-base-url.com/api/newcollections GET /popularinwomen
Returns a list of popular women's products. Example: http://your-api-base-url.com/api/popularinwomen POST /getcart
Retrieves the user's shopping cart. Requires: auth-token in headers. Example: http://your-api-base-url.com/api/getcart POST /addtocart
Adds a product to the user's cart. Requires: auth-token in headers, itemId in the request body. Example: http://your-api-base-url.com/api/addtocart POST /removefromcart
Removes a product from the user's cart. Requires: auth-token in headers, itemId in the request body. Example: http://your-api-base-url.com/api/removefromcart
Example Success Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { // ... relevant data } }
Example Error Response:
{ "success": false, "errors": "Invalid credentials" }
Deployment Guide: Prerequisites: Node.js and npm installed. MongoDB database. Steps: Clone Repository:
git clone https://github.com/your/repository.git cd your-project-directory
Install Dependencies: npm install
Configure Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:
PORT=4000 MONGODB_URI=mongodb://your-mongodb-uri
Run the Application npm start
Technologies Used: Frontend: React React Router
Backend: Node.js Express MongoDB