Discipline | Physical Sciences DEMO |
Lab | Basic Physics Lab |
Experiment | To find the resonance frequency of resonating cavity at different volume of a Helmholtz resonator and to verify the frequency from Helmholtz formula. |
Helmholtz resonance or wind throb is the phenomenon of air resonance in a cavity, such as when one blows across the top of an empty bottle. The name comes from a device created in the 1850s by Hermann von Helmholtz, the Helmholtz resonator, which he used to identify the various frequencies or musical pitches present in music and other complex sounds.
Name of Developer | Tanuj Gupta |
Institute | Nirma University |
Email id | tanuj.gupta@nirmauni.ac.in |
Department | Physics Department, EC |
SrNo | Name | Faculty or Student | Department | Institute | Email id |
1 | Tanuj Gupta | Faculty | Electronic and Communication | Nirma University, Ahmedabad | tanuj.gupta@nirmauni.ac.in |
2 | Vansh Patel | Student | Information Technology | Nirma University, Ahmedabad | 17bit119@nirmauni.ac.in |
3 | Rohan Maheshwari | Student | Information Technology | Nirma University, Ahmedabad | 17bit095@nirmauni.ac.in |
4 | Janmay Bhatt | Student | Computer Science and Engineering | Nirma University, Ahmedabad | 19e018@nirmauni.ac.in |
5 | Shivam Padmani | Student | Mechanical | Nirma University, Ahmedabad | 19k051@nirmauni.ac.in |
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