This project aims to design and develop an E-commerce Website for Sporty Shoes using Java.
• Spring MVC: to build web applications as it follows the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
• JSP: to handle the presentation view.
• Hibernate: to simplify the development and the interaction with the database.
• CSS: to format the contents.
• Maven: to manage the project.
• Eclipse: to write and run the code.
• phpMyAdmin: to administrate and manage the database manually.
• Tomcat: to run and deploy servlet application.
• Object-Oriented: used to create and model objects for users and their credentials.
• Data Access Object: to abstract and encapsulate all access to the data source.
• Object–Relational Mapping: to map the objects to the database.
• Databases: used to store and retrieve data.
• Data Sources: used to define a set of properties required to identify and access the database.
• Collections: used some collections such arraylist to store collection of data.
• Exception Handling: used to catch problems that arises in the code especially in I/O blocks