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A tool to export yaml files from kubernetes api objects


kubexport [flags]


  --help                                     help for kubexport
  --yaml string                              Specify the path of yaml file
  --target string                            Specify the directory to create files
  --auditsink strings                        Specify the names of AuditSink
  --certificatesigningrequest strings        Specify the names of CertificateSigningRequest
  --clusterrole strings                      Specify the names of ClusterRole
  --clusterrolebinding strings               Specify the names of ClusterRoleBinding
  --componentstatus strings                  Specify the names of ComponentStatus
  --configmap strings                        Specify the names of ConfigMap
  --controllerrevision strings               Specify the names of ControllerRevision
  --cronjob strings                          Specify the names of CronJob
  --csidriver strings                        Specify the names of CSIDriver
  --csinode strings                          Specify the names of CSINode
  --daemonset strings                        Specify the names of DaemonSet
  --deployment strings                       Specify the names of Deployment
  --endpoint strings                         Specify the names of Endpoint
  --endpointslice strings                    Specify the names of EndpointSlice
  --event strings                            Specify the names of Event
  --flowschema strings                       Specify the names of FlowSchema
  --horizontalpodautoscaler strings          Specify the names of HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  --ingress strings                          Specify the names of Ingress
  --ingressclass strings                     Specify the names of IngressClass
  --job strings                              Specify the names of Job
  --lease strings                            Specify the names of Lease
  --limitrange strings                       Specify the names of LimitRange
  --mutatingwebhookconfiguration strings     Specify the names of MutatingWebhookConfiguration
  --namespace strings                        Specify the names of Namespace
  --networkpolicy strings                    Specify the names of NetworkPolicy
  --node strings                             Specify the names of Node
  --persistentvolume strings                 Specify the names of PersistentVolume
  --persistentvolumeclaim strings            Specify the names of PersistentVolumeClaim
  --pod strings                              Specify the names of Pod
  --poddisruptionbudget strings              Specify the names of PodDisruptionBudget
  --podpreset strings                        Specify the names of PodPreset
  --podsecuritypolicy strings                Specify the names of PodSecurityPolicy
  --podtemplate strings                      Specify the names of PodTemplate
  --priorityclass strings                    Specify the names of PriorityClass
  --prioritylevelconfiguration strings       Specify the names of PriorityLevelConfiguration
  --replicaset strings                       Specify the names of ReplicaSet
  --replicationcontroller strings            Specify the names of ReplicationController
  --resourcequota strings                    Specify the names of ResourceQuota
  --role strings                             Specify the names of Role
  --rolebinding strings                      Specify the names of RoleBinding
  --runtimeclass strings                     Specify the names of RuntimeClass
  --secret strings                           Specify the names of Secret
  --service strings                          Specify the names of Service
  --serviceaccount strings                   Specify the names of ServiceAccount
  --statefulset strings                      Specify the names of StatefulSet
  --storageclass strings                     Specify the names of StorageClass
  --validatingwebhookconfiguration strings   Specify the names of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
  --volumeattachment strings                 Specify the names of VolumeAttachment


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