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Dependency Analysis

lucianoMarchezan edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 8 revisions


Leverages static dependencies between program elements. Can be used to validate and describe the interdependence between elements.


Data Dependency

Control Dependency

Structural Dependency:

A metric that represents how much of the structural context of a feature can be mapped from a set of program elements.

Priority Order

Extraction > Categorize > Group



  • Dependence graph



Related Techniques

Recommended Situations:

To perform Dependency Analysis is almost mandatory that the products have high level of dependencies between feature implementations. Besides that, a good documentation is not required when applying this technique.

Not Recommended Situations:

As an static analysis technique, dependency analysis may be unable to find all elements related to the same feature when applied in source code where the implementation of a feature is spread across several modules.

πŸ”„ Prepare, Assemble and Execute Process for SPL (PAxSPL)

Process Overview

⏩ Phases


PAxSPL is a project developed within the Laboratory of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering

πŸ“Œ Authors:

Luciano Marchezan; Elder Rodrigues; and Maicon Bernardino.

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