Gymania is a web application for managing gyms subscriptions and staff built using Laravel 8 and Vuejs 2
this project is for my uni assignment and its a work in progress demo video
the dashbboard is made from scratch with scss
you need to have composer and node installed
$ git clone
$ cd gymania
$ cp .env.example .env (add pusher details & db credentials)
$ composer install
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan storage:link
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
setup you database and its credentials in your .env file then migrate
$ php artisan migrate --seed
you ll have a default admin user
username: admin password: password
// Set these variables as you wish
run : $ npm run dev
we need to serve our app and run the websockets server + scheduled cron
$ php artisan serve
$ php artisan websockets:serve
$ php artisan schedule:work