(MVP) CRM Tool made with Django and Tailwind
Live site: https://bzbiz-crm.com/
In this CRM system, aside from the built-in admin user, there are two types of Users, an organizer and an agent. Each organizer have their own organization/workspace. Each time an account is created, it is by default an organizer
- Login/register
- Reset password via code sent by email
- Create/ Add Leads for their workspace
- View Leads belonging to their own workspace
- Edit Leads belonging to their own workspace
- Delete leads belonging to their own workspace
- Create Agent accounts (account explicitly marked as agent account) belonging to their own workspace, for personnel to sign in as an agent
- Invitation to login is sent to email of the person when agent account is created for them
- Assign an Agent to a lead
- Signin as agent
- View Leads that have been assigned to them that are of their organization
- Edit the status of leads they're handling (contacted, converted, unconverted)