Generate Caffe Prototxt for Deep Residual Learning Network
Only support Faster R-CNN network so far, but can be easily changed to support Fast R-CNN, classification network, etc.
Naming conventions of the layers follow the original models.
First, define your network in a file (see resnet50.def)
Generate prototxt:
The script has several options, which can be listed with the --help
Generate train/test prototxt for Faster R-CNN, 21 classes (including background):
./ --cfg resnet50.def -t fasterrcnn --ncls 21
Generate train/test prototxt for Faster R-CNN, finetuning mode:
./ --cfg resnet50_finetune.def -t fasterrcnn --ncls 21 --finetune
Generate train/test prototxt for Faster R-CNN, finetuning mode, fix BN parameters:
./ --cfg resnet50_finetune.def -t fasterrcnn --ncls 21 --finetune --fixbn
You can also use the --train-file
, --test-file
flags to specify the output prototxt files.