My portfolio is a compilation of materials that exemplifies my skills, qualifications, education, training and experiences. It provides insight into your my journey a Software Engineer.
E - Express, a back-end framework
N - NodeJS - to run back end service
Dependencies used:
- Morgan - HTTP request logger middleware for node.js
The user is brought to the my single page application where they can navigate to my blog, jump to my projects, interest, side-projects, or contact form. The home page is an introduction to who I am as a Software Engineer. There is a video walkthrough of each application with a short synopsis of the project and how it came to be with links to my github code and live website. Followed a currently working section, a visual representation of my interest, working iframe of side projects and a form to connect. In the side bar you will see my profile picture and a little about me with links to my active social media.
This is a single page application with only two views and routes. As this website develops and I place more interesting easter eggs in there I will display the code I used.
- N/A
- Intergrated React.js into this application.