This is a setup of the graph for tokenbounds ERC6551 registry contract. With this you can track accounts made across the tokenbound implementation on any chain that the graph and tokenbound supports.
1.) make a hosted service subgraph on thegraph, once you make a graph the name will be your-username/subgraph-name. Then from the root of this repo do cd erc6551Graph.
2a.) (optional if on mac/linux) make a copy of and put in usr/local/bin. then do nano ~/.zshrc, followed by putting at the bottom of the zshrc file alias deploy="usr/local/bin/".
After doing this, if you do source ~/.zshrc in your terminal, deploy subgraph-name chain should make a graph for you automatically. here is where you can get the list of chains available (look under CLI name)
2b.) (if you did 2a ignore) make a file subgraph-chain.yml, copy the following into the file, replace chain with what chain you want to deploy on.
specVersion: 0.0.5
file: ./schema.graphql
- kind: ethereum
name: Registry
network: *chain*
abi: Registry
address: "0x02101dfB77FDE026414827Fdc604ddAF224F0921"
startBlock: 0
kind: ethereum/events
apiVersion: 0.0.7
language: wasm/assemblyscript
- AccountCreated
- name: Registry
file: ./abis/Registry.json
- event: AccountCreated(address,address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256)
handler: handleAccountCreated
file: ./src/registry.ts
after doing this, graph deploy --product hosted-service subgraph-name --network chain subgraph-chain.yml should deploy the subgraph.
repeat this process for every chain you want this subgraph deployed on.