You'll need some things!
- Node installed with NVM, to a BASH Environment
curl -o- | bash
npm i -g bower gulp
npm install;bower install
gulp watch
That will create the static_generated
directory, where you final web site lives.
You want to serve up the static_generated
From the root of the project: cd ./static_genrated;python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Then check
is passed to all Jade templates. Use it for global front-end configuration values.
Well, you're here after all, so I'd guess you already know why npm
is so great. What follows is a an explanation of the major packages in use by the project.
Bower is used to manage OP's (other peoples) client side code. Things like:
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
Gulp is a task runner that enables awesome like:
- Automated moving of the things (copies files for us, enables Bower)
- SASS (Source Mapping, AutoPrefixing)
- CoffeeScript (Source Mapping)
- Jade (Dynamic or Static)
- LiveReload (Via Chrome Extension)
- Static website building
- All of the above, on demand (when you save a file)
Files in the ./src
directory are compiled and output to the ./static_generated
Okay this one is technically a Ruby module. Better than CSS.
Preferred HTML template language. RIP closing tags and <>
. Uses JavaScript for template logic
Coffee Script compiles to JavaScript, Nice and terse like Jade and Sass