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Repository files navigation C# SDK

This SDK is available as DotNet Assembly.

With this SDK you will be able to start transactions and retrieve transactions with their status for the payment service provider.


Setting the configuration (for example using mvvmlight as dependency resolver):

SimpleIoc.Default.Register(() => new LoggerFactory().CreateLogger(nameof(Quicktstart)));
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<ISettingsService>(() => new SettingsService("e41f83b246b706291ea9ad798ccfd9f0fee5e0ab", "SL-3490-4320"));
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IWebProxy>(() => null);
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IClientService, ClientService>();
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUtilityService, UtilityService>();

Getting a list of available payment methods, use the Getservice.

//paymentMethodId: is optional
//The ID of the payment method. Only the payment options linked to the provided payment method ID will be returned if an ID is provided.
//If omitted, all available payment options are returned. Use the following IDs to filter the options:
//1. SMS.
//2. Pay fixed price.
//3. Pay per call.
//4. Pay per transaction
//5. Pay per minute.
PaymentMethodId? paymentMethodId = null;
var transaction = new PayNL.Transaction(SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IClientService>());
return transaction.GetServiceAsync(paymentMethodId);

Starting a transaction:

var transaction = new PayNL.Transaction(SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IClientService>());
var request = transaction.CreateTransactionRequest("", "");

request.Amount = 7184; // Amount in cents
request.PaymentOptionId = 10; // Payment profile/option
// request.PaymentOptionSubId = 5081; // Set bank id for iDEAL (example)

// Transaction data
request.Transaction = new PayNL.Objects.TransactionData
    Currency = "EUR",
    CostsVat = null,
    OrderExchangeUrl = "",
    Description = "TEST PAYMENT",
    ExpireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14)

// Optional Stats data
request.StatsData = new PayNL.Objects.StatsDetails
    Info = "your information",
    Tool = "C#.NET",
    Extra1 = "X",
    Extra2 = "Y",
    Extra3 = "Z"

// Initialize Salesdata
request.SalesData = new PayNL.Objects.SalesData
    InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now,
    DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now,
    OrderData = new List<PayNL.Objects.OrderData>()
        // Add products
        new PayNL.Objects.OrderData("SKU-8489", "Testproduct 1", 2995, "H", 1),
        new PayNL.Objects.OrderData("SKU-8421", "Testproduct 2", 995, "H", 1),
        new PayNL.Objects.OrderData("SKU-2359", "Testproduct 3", 2499, "H", 1)

// Add shipping
request.SalesData.OrderData.Add(new PayNL.Objects.OrderData("SHIPPINGCOST", "Shipping of products", 695, "H", 1, "SHIPPING"));

// enduser
request.Enduser = new PayNL.Objects.EndUser
    Language = "NL",
    Initials = "J.",
    Lastname = "Buyer",
    Gender = Gender.Male,
    BirthDate = new DateTime(1991, 1, 23, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local),
    PhoneNumber = "0612345678",
    EmailAddress = "",
    BankAccount = "",
    IBAN = "NL08INGB0000000555",
    BIC = "",

    // enduser address
    Address = new PayNL.Objects.Address
        StreetName = "Streetname",
        StreetNumber = "8",
        ZipCode = "1234AB",
        City = "City",
        CountryCode = "NL"

    // invoice address
    InvoiceAddress = new PayNL.Objects.Address
        Initials = "J.",
        LastName = "Jansen",
        Gender = Gender.Male,
        StreetName = "InvoiceStreetname",
        StreetNumber = "10",
        ZipCode = "1234BC",
        City = "City",
        CountryCode = "NL"

return transaction.StartAsync(request);

To determine if a transaction has been paid, you can use:

var transaction = new PayNL.Transaction(SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IClientService>());

// Perform transaction to get response object. Alternately, you could work with a stored ID....
var response = new PayNL.API.Transaction.Start.Response();

var info = await transaction.InfoAsync(response.Transaction.TransactionId);
var result = info.PaymentDetails.State;

if (transaction.IsPaid(result) || transaction.IsPending(result))
    // redirect user to thank you page
    // it has not been paid yet, so redirect user back to checkout

To get the details of a transaction, you can use:

var transaction = new PayNL.Transaction(SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IClientService>());
var response = await transaction.DetailsAsync("EX-code of transaction here");

To get the list of changes for transactions, you can use:

var transaction = new PayNL.Transaction(SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IClientService>());
var response = await transaction.ChangeStatusListAsync(unix-timestamp here);

When implementing the exchange script (where you should process the order in your backend):

var transaction = new PayNL.Transaction(SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<IClientService>());

// Perform transaction to get response object. Alternately, you could work with a stored ID....
var response = new PayNL.API.Transaction.Start.Response();

var info = await transaction.InfoAsync(response.Transaction.TransactionId);
var result = info.PaymentDetails.State;

if (transaction.IsPaid(result))
    // process the payment
    if (transaction.IsCancelled(result))
        // payment canceled, restock items

response.Write("TRUE| ");
// Optionally you can send a message after TRUE|, you can view these messages in the logs.



The Assembly is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.