I'm a full stack developer who gets a kick out of writing clean, readable code that makes an impact. Recently I have been working on projects involving React, React Native, NextJS, TypeScript, Express, NestJS, TypeORM and Docker.
I am a big lover of anything science, conservation or sustainability related. I believe that science and learning are the key to progress. I leverage these to advance my own technical path.
I like to work in environments that prioritise respect, integrity and having a laugh.
- 🔭 I'm currently getting heavily stuck into:
- Next.js
- React Native
- TypeScript
- NestJS
- 🌱 I’m excited to learn more about:
- ☝️ Serverless tech
- ✌️ Animations
- ⏱ Free time? I love:
- Scuba and free diving 🤿
- Cycling 🚴
- Rock climbing 🧗
- Anything that will get me outdoors ⛰
- Catan 🎲
- 📽 Check out some of my projects: