Code to run the experiments of the GRAPES optimizer
Giorgia Dellaferrera, Stanislaw Wozniak, Giacomo Indiveri, Angeliki Pantazi, and Evangelos Eleftheriou
We run the experiments with the following:
Numpy framework: Python 3.9.5, Numpy 1.19.5, Keras 2.5.0
Tensorflow framework: Python 3.7.9, Tensorflow 1.15.0
Pytorch framework: Python 3.8.11, PyTorch 1.9.1.
The main experiments are run through
For example, to run MNIST with BP and SGD:
python --mnist --learn_type BP \
--n_runs 10 --train_epochs 200 --eta 0.1 --dropout 0.9 \
--update_type SGD --batch_size 64 --w_init he_uniform \
--start_size 256 --n_hlayers 2 --act_hidden relu
Substitute --learn_type BP
with --learn_type BPgrapes
to train with GRAPES on top of BP.
Substitute --learn_type BP
with --learn_type FA
to train with FA.
Substitute --learn_type BP
with --learn_type FAgrapes
to train with GRAPES on top of FA.
Substitute --learn_type BP
with --learn_type DFA
to train with DFA.
Substitute --learn_type BP
with --learn_type DFAgrapes
to train with GRAPES on top of DFA.
The main experiments are run through
For example, to run CIFAR10 with BP and Adam:
python --cifar10 --optimizer adam \
--num_epochs 250 --learning_rate 0.01 \
To train with GRAPES on top of BP, add --grapes_fc
and --grapes_conv
to the arguments.
The experiment can be run with the default setting in the Jupyter Notebook.