This repository reproduces the experiments in accepted in ICAPS-22. Citation:
title={{Reinforcement Learning for Classical Planning: Viewing Heuristics as Dense Reward Generators}},
author={Gehring, Clement and Asai, Masataro and Chitnis, Rohan and Silver, Tom and Kaelbling, Leslie Pack and Sohrabi, Shirin and Katz, Michael},
booktitle={International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling},
PDDLRL requires anaconda / miniconda, available from here.
git clone cd pddlrl source
or (ba)sh ./
does not work; source
is necessary.
The script downloads dependencies outside pip and conda too (e.g., PDDL source files, validators).
assumes cuda 11.2 or higher.
For older CUDA versions,
replace environment-cuda112.yml
in the script to environment-cudaXXX.yml
where XXX should be replaced with 100, 101, 110 for CUDA 10.0, 10.1, 11.0, respectively.
is the main program.
usage: [-h] [--runid RUNID] [--ginfile GINFILE] [--train-root-dir TRAIN_ROOT_DIR] [--domain DOMAIN] [--hyper HYPER] [--hyperfile HYPERFILE] [--evaluator {gbfs,hc,train}] [--evaluation-weight-snapshot-iteration EVALUATION_WEIGHT_SNAPSHOT_ITERATION] [--problem PROBLEM] [--time-limit TIME_LIMIT] [--evaluation-limit EVALUATION_LIMIT] [--expansion-limit EXPANSION_LIMIT] [-f] [--eval-dir EVAL_DIR] [-j PROCESSES] {train-RL,evaluate-RL,evaluate-nonRL} positional arguments: {train-RL,evaluate-RL,evaluate-nonRL} Evaluation mode. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --runid RUNID An ID string for identifying a run. To evaluate a training result, the same ID must be provided. --ginfile GINFILE List of paths to the config files. This option can be specified multiple times. --train-root-dir TRAIN_ROOT_DIR Directory used to store the trained weights. Weights are located in <train-dir>/<hash>/<snapshot-iteration>. This argument is required in training (when hash value is not available yet) and when only runid is known (same; hash value is not available). This argument is ignored when --hyperfile is specified. --domain DOMAIN Pathname to a directory that contains a domain file and a train/ directory containing training problems. The value is mandatory in all modes. --hyper HYPER A string representation of a python list that specifies a tunable hyperparameter. Its first value must be a string, a name of a settable place in gin. The rest is a list of values to be searched from. For example, --hyper '["BATCH_SIZE", 10, 20, 50]' specifies the batch size. This option can be specified multiple times to add more hyperparameters. See each gin file under pddlrl/experiments/ to see what parameter can be configured. --hyperfile HYPERFILE Pathname to the hyperparameter file (hyper.json). --hyperfile and --train-root-dir/--runid are mutually exclusive. When --hyperfile is specified, --train-root-dir is deduced from the value of --hyperfile. When --hyperfile is not specified, it requires both --train-root-dir and --runid, which are then used to deduce the location of hyperfile. --evaluator {gbfs,hc,train} The name of the evaluator, which could be "train" in the training mode. --evaluation-weight-snapshot-iteration EVALUATION_WEIGHT_SNAPSHOT_ITERATION Specify the iteration in which the snapshot of the weights were taken. Meaningful only in evaluate-RL mode. --problem PROBLEM Pathname to the problem file. Meaningful only in evaluate-RL/-nonRL. When it is a directory, all files with the extension .pddl will be iterated over. --time-limit TIME_LIMIT Runtime limit for evaluation. Meaningful only in evaluate-RL/-nonRL. --evaluation-limit EVALUATION_LIMIT Evaluation limit for evaluation. Meaningful only in evaluate-RL/-nonRL. --expansion-limit EXPANSION_LIMIT Expansion limit for evaluation. Meaningful only in evaluate-RL/-nonRL. -f, --force Force re-running experiments even if the log file already exist. --eval-dir EVAL_DIR Supersedes the evaluation directory where the output is written. By default, its value is deduced from the value of train_root_dir: The default location is <train_root_dir>-<evaluator>/<hash>/. -j PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES Enable parallel processing (evaluation of non-RL only), and specify the number of CPU cores.
See experiments/README.
pddlrl makes heavy use of gin to configure most aspects of the code. To properly understand gin’s syntax, it is recommend to read through gin’s relatively short documentation, we’ll highlight some of the core behavior that might surprise users unfamiliar with gin.
- Gin supports generating the “operative” config. This is a gin config file with all the configured values used up until that point in the execution. This includes any default arguments that were never explicitly set. This makes it easy to reconfigure things exactly, even when some hidden default value was changed somewhere in the code. The gridsearch implementation will export the operative config for each run.
- Gin has a macro syntax which allow for some config value to be reused. It is recommended to use all caps to highlight macros. We use macros to simplify setting config value programmatically, such as when doing a grid search, even if the macro is only ever used once.