A mobile application to help the IEEE-AlAzhar university student branch keep track of its members and allow membres to quickly see their feedbacks and achievements and be up-to-date with the recent events and updates in the team.
This app is built with Flutter - Google's app development framework. (https://flutter.io). You also can use VS code, Inelij IDE or Android Studio. You can follow here the official Docs for installing flutter and Android Studio.
After you install the Flutter SDK and the proper IDE for you, make sure that you have also installed git.
- Now, run in the git bash
$ git clone https://github.com/IEEE-AlAzhar/Mobile-app.git
$ cd Mobile-app
$flutter run -d <Specify here your emulator that you want your project to be run onto>
For more commands and details checkout this article.
- Image Picker
- HTTP package
- Shared Preferences
- For the sake of simplicity, we have used SharedPreferences, but may be in later versions the SQLite API might be used instead.
- Provider Package
- Dio
- Intl
- modal progress hud
The app consists of four major folders:
- models folder.
- screens folder.
- utils folder.
- widgets folder.
Follow the guides mentioned in the CONTRIBUTING.md