IEEE Mansoura Computer Society Chapter is considered to be the technical subunit of IEEE ManSB, IEEE ManCSC follows the IEEE Computer Society which is the world’s leading organization of computing and information technology professionals.
IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It's the world's largest non-profit technical organization, that continuously promotes the development and application of electro-technology and related disciplines for the benefit of humanity and the advancement of the profession with over 3285 student branches all around the world. simply referred to by the letters I-E-E-E (pronounced Eye-triple-E)
We aim to build an insightful, innovative, intellectually mature engineering community, which is aware of market requirements and contributes to its development.
Building a cooperative community that seeks to share knowledge in different fields of computer science.
Developing a computer science society in Mansoura that tries to take the advanced and trending topics of different fields.
Trying to serve a permanent content that helps the neighboring community.
Help members to develop the skill of researching & explaining.
Assist members in developing their technical skills in different computer science fields by working on efficient roadmaps.
Preparing members for the professional atmosphere of the technology jobs market by giving them the chance to work under a structure and certain processes.
Believing in members' potential and supporting them not only fulfill the roadmap but also helps with self-realization and leaving their mark.
These are the committees that are currently available:
- Data Science
- Cloud Computing
- Embedded Systems
- Back-End Development
- Flutter Development