This is the IHEP-LQCD collaboration's repository for using USQCD chroma library with customized addons.
- For GPU: Chroma (with QDP-JIT, QUDA)
- For CPU: Chroma (with QDP++) Build & Install:
- setup chroma's environemnt, e.g.
module load lqcd/chroma/double/latest-openmpi
on IHEP's GPU cluster.
mkdir build install && pushd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
make install
Create a new branch (e.g. feature, bugfix ...) to develop and test the code and then merge into the devel branch. Seek for code review if possiable and merge into master branch finally.
use ./
to format the code before commit, e.g. ./ .
to format all the code under root directory
or specify a directory to format.