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Ana Cristina Franco da Silva edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 27 revisions

The Multi-purpose Binding and Provisioning Platform (MBP) is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. It is provided as a GitHub repository, which provides the means for:

  • automated connection of IoT devices to the MBP in order to access their sensors and actuators, and
  • automated software deployment (installation) on IoT devices.

The MBP has as primary goals the easy deployment, management, and monitoring of IoT environments. For this, the MBP provides a user interface, as well as a REST API reflecting the same functionalities provided by the user interface. The main functionalities of the MPB are explained in the following:


👓 Overview

In this overview, we show the main MBP concepts to help you start your IoT environment!

Click here for the overview.

🚀 Quick Start

In this quick start, we show you how to register in the MBP a Raspberry Pi, connected to a temperature sensor. The following steps are realized:

  • Registration of a Raspberry Pi as a device
  • Registration of an extraction operator software that extracts temperature sensor values and send it to the MBP
  • Registration of a temperature sensor

Click here for the quick start.

📈 Monitoring IoT environments / Creating IoT applications

To realize an automatic monitoring based on sensor data, and furthermore, to trigger actuators automatically based on recognized conditions, the MBP provides the means for creating IoT applications based on user-defined rules. Such rules are based on the event-condition-action approach and can be defined on the graphical rule modeling tool of the MBP.

Click here for a tutorial of how to create user-defined rules for your IoT application.

🔎 Testing rules of IoT applications

To test the user-defined rules of your IoT application without hardware, the MBP provides the means to simulate sensor data, and to create test protocols for the rules being evaluated.

Click here for the instructions of how to test your rules.


A REST API for the registration and management of components in an IoT environment is provided. Furthermore, the software deployment onto IoT devices, e.g., operators that extract and send sensor values to the MBP, can be as well realized through the MBP API.

Click here for the API Reference.

🎓 Publications