Camouflage YOLO - (CAMOLO) trains adversarial patches to confuse the YOLO family of object detection algorithms. This repository is an extension of adversarial-yolo, with a number of bespoke enhancements as well as incorporation of data pre-processing and evaluation scripts from yoltv4.
First intall nvidia-docker, then run the following commands to create a docker image and environment:
# build
cd /camolo/docker
docker build -t camolo_image .
# run
nvidia-docker run -itd -v /local_data:/local_data -p 9111:9111 -ti --ipc=host --name camolo camolo_image
docker start camolo
docker attach camolo
conda activate solaris
# run jupyter notebooks
cd /camolo/
jupyter notebook --ip --port=9111 --no-browser --allow-root &
# now visit:
Edit and then run
docker attach camolo
conda activate solaris
cd /camolo/camolo
python visdrone_v1_4cat_obj_only_v2
This will train an adversarial patch that when overlaid on an object will (hopefully) fool YOLO. For example: