pcsconv is a tool that can convert songs in simple (RPC) format, with only frequency and delays. Used to process output from the modified DOSBox.
Usage: pcsconv [options] [input path] [output path] Command-line arguments: -? -h --help -- Shows this help. -w --waveform [type] -- Sets waveform type (default 2). -o --opldata [register:value:...] -- Additional OPL commands. -t --trim -- Trims delays from start and end. -f --filter -- Removes unnecessary sound noises. -s --split [mindelay] -- Splits audio to multiple files. -n --no-optimalization -- Disables removing redundant commands. -d --delay -- Adds 200ms delay to the end. -l --length [length] -- Crops the output to the specified length (in ms). -m --multichannel -- Turns multichannel DRO on. -r --repeat [count] -- Repeats the song n-times. -in --input-type -- Specifies the input type (default is pcs). -out --output-type -- Specifies the output type (default is dro). Input types: pcs - RPC text output from the modified DOSBox version. mdt/bin - Binary output from MIDITONES. txt - simple RPC commands. Output types: dro - DOSBox Raw OPL. droplay - DRO and plays it with 'dro_player' (needs to be available). play - Plays using console beeps. txt - simple RPC commands.