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Start and Stop IOCs

Rory Potter edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 1 revision

In EPICS an IOC is a component which controls hardware devices. In IBEX, we use IOCs to control sample environment devices attached to instruments. The acronym IOC stands for Input/Output Controller. As the name suggests, an IOC controls the communication between a hardware device and other parts of IBEX.

In order to communicate with a hardware device, the corresponding IOC must be running. The IOC menu in IBEX provides the means to start IOCs (and to stop IOCs, when they are no longer required).

Starting or Stopping an IOC

To start, stop or restart an IOC:

  1. Select Start/Stop IOCs from the IOC menu.
  2. IBEX displays a dialog containing a list of all the IOCs available on the instrument. The list shows whether each IOC is running or stopped.
  3. Find the IOC you want in the list and use the buttons at the bottom to start, stop or restart that IOC.

It might take a few moments from pressing the button for the selected IOC to fully start itself up or fully shut itself down. You might also see a number of messages written to the IOC Log (see Views) as the IOC starts up or shuts down.

Note: The effect of auto-restart has no effect on the stop action. Stop will stop the IOC and it will not restart.

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