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genie_python and IBEX (Common commands)

RaiBishal edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 23 revisions

Calling genie_python functions

From an IBEX scripting terminal, genie_python commands can be accessed via the g namespace. For example: g.get_version()

You should have noticed immediately after you typed g. that an auto-complete window appeared:


The window lists the available commands, and the arguments they take, in brackets. A description of the highlighted functions and its arguments is also given. The list will be refined as you type more characters.

Passing arguments to commands

Arguments are passed to functions using standard Python syntax. You should already be somewhat familiar with this but here is a quick recap:

  • Arguments are passed to functions as a comma-separated list within brackets. For example g.add_spectrum(1, 2)
  • Arguments may be named or not. For example g.add_spectrum(spectrum=1, period=2)
  • Named and un-named arguments can be mixed but the named arguments must appear last. For example g.add_spectrum(1, period=2)
  • Un-named arguments will be interpreted in the order of the function definition. Named arguments can be in any order. So g.add_spectrum(period=2, spectrum=1) would be valid but g.add_spectrum(2, spectrum=1) would not.
  • Some arguments may be defaulted in which case they do not need to be included in the argument list. For example g.add_spectrum(1) is equivalent to g.add_spectrum(1, 1). You can find out which parameters are optional and their default values in the genie_python reference manual.

As another example, the following three calls are all equivalent:


Acquisition control

Switch run states

genie_python provides commands to switch between various run states:

  • begin: Begins a new run
  • pause: Pauses the current run
  • resume: Resumes the current run
  • end: Ends the current run
  • abort: Aborts the current run

You can get the current state with:

  • get_runstate: Gets the states of the current run

WARNING: Be careful not to assume the resultant state when using these commands. For example, you may run g.begin() and then expect the instrument to be running. That may be true, but it could also be waiting, vetoing, or still setup. It's a good idea to put checks into your scripts that you've reached the expected state. This can be done with waitfor_runstate:

# Waits for a max of 60 seconds
g.waitfor_runstate("RUNNING", 60)


If you want to wait for a specific event before executing an action, you can use one of the waitfor_... commands:

  • waitfor_block: Wait for a block value to be in a certain range
  • waitfor_frames: Wait until the number of good frames reaches a certain value
  • waitfor_uamps: Wait for the total received current to reach 10 uamps
  • waitfor_time: Waits for a specified time. The best way to use this function is with named arguments (e.g. g.waitfor_time(seconds=10)) to make it clear what time units the interval is in.
  • waitfor_move: Waits for all motors, or a specific motor, to finish moving
  • waitfor_runstate: Wait for the instrument to reach a given state

This is only a subset of the available functions. For a full list see the genie_python reference manual.

Update and store

You can update and store DAE results using:

  • update: Load the data from the DAE into memory
  • store: Write the updated DAE information to disk
  • updatestore: Load the data from the DAE into memory and store it to disk

Worked example

The following script will begin and run, then stop it once it reaches a running state:

# Only start if we're in the correct state
if g.get_runstate()=="SETUP":

    # Check that the run has started successfully
    if g.get_runstate()=="RUNNING":

        # A function that does the sequence of operations associated with the run

        print ("Could not reach a running state")


  • get_blocks: Gets a list of the currently available blocks
  • cshow: Shows the properties of a named block/all blocks
    • If given a name (e.g. MY_BLOCK) it will return a string containing properties of the block
      • Example: MY_BLOCK = 10 (runcontrol = NO, lowlimit = 0.0, highlimit = 0.0)
    • If called without arguments, it will show the same information for all blocks, with each block on a new line
  • cget: Gets properties of a named block as a dictionary of values
    • Example: MY_BLOCK = 10 (runcontrol = NO, lowlimit = 0.0, highlimit = 0.0)
    • Unlike cshow, a block name must be specified
    • Properties can be accessed as standard Python:
block_info = g.cget("MY_BLOCK")
name = block_info["name"]
value = block_info["value"]
print ("The value of block {0} is {1}".format(name, value))
  • cset: Sets the value for a particular block
    • Assumes that either a setpoint exists for the underlying value or the block itself points at a setpoint
    • Can be called with block names as named arguments. This is useful for setting multiple blocks
      • Example: g.cset(MY_BLOCK=1, MY_OTHER_BLOCK=2)
    • The block can also be passed in by name. This is useful when setting advanced block properties
      • Example: g.cset("MY_BLOCK", lowlimit=1, highlimit=10, runcontrol=True)

Worked example

The following script scans a block between its upper and lower limit:

# Set some parameters
max_steps = 100
high_limit = 10
low_limit = 1
block = "MY_BLOCK"
abs_step_size = 1

# Set the initial conditions
g.cset(block, lowlimit = low_limit, highlimit = high_limit)
step_size = abs_step_size

# Run the scan
for i in range(max_steps):
    block_properties = g.cget(block)
    current_value = block_properties['value']

    # Block at or below low limit: Set step positive
    if current_value <= block_properties['lowlimit']:
        step_size = abs_step_size

    # Block at or below high limit: Set step negative
    if current_value  >= block_properties['highlimit']:
        step_size = -abs_step_size

    g.cset(block, current_value + step_size)

Experiment setup

You can change various elements of the experiment setup using genie_python. For example:

  • change_tcb: Change the time channel boundaries
  • change_tables: Change the wiring, spectra and detector table filename used
  • change_monitor: Change the monitor to a specified spectrum and range

If used on their own, these methods will apply their changes immediately. Sometime a set of changes are only consistent/make sense when considered together. If you want to apply several changes at once you can use the following commands:

  • change_start: Marks the start of a change
  • change_finish: Marks that the current set of changes is complete. All changes recorded since g.change_start() will be applied

Using these commands will stop a run beginning while changes are still being made.

Experiment details

You can change various experiment details with the change_... commands:

  • change_user: Change the current user
  • change_title: Change the current title
  • change_rb: Change the current RB number

There is a generic change command that allows you to change multiple properties simultaneously. However, this is recommended for advanced users only.

You can get the current setup using the equivalent get_... commands:

  • get_user: Get the current user
  • get_title: Get the current title
  • get_rb: Get the current RB number

Exercise 2

  • This exercise requires that:
    • You have permission to begin and end runs on the instrument you're using.
    • The instrument you're using has been configured so it can successfully enter a running state
    • You have a settable block called "MY_BLOCK"
  • Change the title of the run to "Exercise 2"
  • Start a run and wait for 1 uamps before pausing
  • Set the value of "MY_BLOCK" to 5, with a high limit of 10, a low limit of 1 and put it under run control
  • Resume the run
  • Set the value of "MY_BLOCK" to 20 and confirm (using genie_python) that the instrument has entered a waiting state
  • Decrease the value of "MY_BLOCK" down in steps of 1 until it reaches 10. Wait for 1 second between steps. Notice how the run state changes back to running when the block value drops below 10.
  • End the run


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