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Code Tasks

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Easy level

  1. First bad versionsolution, test
  2. Merge sorted arraysolution, test, разбор на YouTube
  3. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a Stringsolution, test, TODO
  4. Longest Common Prefixsolution, test
  5. Valid Palindromesolution, test, TODO
  6. Two Sumsolution, test
  7. Plus Onesolution, test, разбор на YouTube
  8. Roman to Integersolution, test
  9. Remove Elementsolution, test, TODO
  10. Middle of the Linked Listsolution, test, TODO
  11. Number of 1 Bitssolution, test
  12. Linked List Cyclesolution, test, TODO
  13. Valid Parenthesessolution, test, TODO
  14. Missing Numbersolution, test
  15. Power of Threesolution, test
  16. Majority Elementsolution, test
  17. Valid Anagramsolution, test
  18. Intersection of Two Arrays IIsolution, test
  19. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Arraysolution, test

Medium level

  1. Product of Array Except Selfsolution, test
  2. Integer to Romansolution, test
  3. Search a 2D Matrixsolution, test, TODO
  4. Summary Rangessolution, test
  5. Merge Intervalssolution, test
  6. Valid Sudokusolution, test, TODO
  7. LRU Cachesolution, test, TODO
  8. Maximum Subarraysolution, test, TODO
  9. Reverse Words in a Stringsolution, test, TODO
  10. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked Listsolution, test, TODO
  11. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notationsolution, test, TODO
  12. Longest Consecutive Sequencesolution, test, TODO
  13. Basic Calculator IIsolution, test, TODO
  14. Basic Calculator IIsolution, test
  15. Game of Lifesolution, test
  16. Delete Node in a Linked Listsolution, test
  17. Longest Common Subsequencesolution, test
  18. Delete Node in a Binary Search Treesolution, test
  19. Decode Stringsolution, test
  20. Determine if Two Strings Are Closesolution, test
  21. Removing Stars From a Stringsolution, test

Hard level

  1. Basic Calculatorsolution, test