Serene Life is a sandbox action-adventure game that focuses on resource gathering and expanding your domain through building houses. The game offers a unique experience that combines elements of exploration, building, and gathering in a vibrant and detailed world.
This project was developed using the following technologies and libraries:
- p5.js: A JavaScript library for creative programming that makes it easy to start coding on the web.
- Tiled Library
- P5 Play Library
To install Serene Life, follow these steps:
- Clone the GitHub repository on your local computer using
git clone
. - Navigate to the project directory using
cd sereneLife
. - Open the
file in a web browser to start the game.
Note: Serene Life does not require the installation of external dependencies.
Serene Life is an intuitive and easy-to-use game. After starting the game, you will be able to move around the world, gather resources, and build structures. Here are some examples of how you can interact with the game:
- Use WASD to move around the world.
- Use the C key to sell resources.
- Use the Q key to gather resources.
- Use the E key to buy new expansions.
I appreciate your interest in contributing to Serene Life! Here's how you can help:
- Bug Reporting: If you find a bug, please open an issue on GitHub describing the problem and how to reproduce it.
- Feature Requests: If you have an idea for a new feature, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Describe your idea and how you think it could improve the game.
- Pull Requests: If you are able to fix a bug or implement a new feature, please submit a pull request. Make sure your code follows the project's code guidelines.
Serene Life is released under the MIT license. For full details, please see the LICENSE file in the project root. This project is a demo created for educational purposes.